Part 1 Fundamentals In MATHEVERSUM

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1st There is one basic section of mathematical length in MATHEVERSUM.

This fundamental mathematical length, I have called SHORTEK. 

SHORTEK is so small that it cannot be any smaller.

2nd There is only one stretch of mathematical time in MATHEVERSUM.

This fundamental mathematical time, I have called TIMEK.

TIMEK is so small that it cannot be any smaller.

3rd In MATHEVERSUM there is fundamental numerical value which I have called The Kaziuk's Number, KAZIUK in short.

KAZIUK is so large that it cannot be any greater.

4th There is only one mathematical speed in MATHEVERSUM.

This only one mathematical speed I have called SPEED-C.


So SPEED-C must be as it is, because:

[(fundamental SHORTEK * fundamental KAZIUK) / fundamental TIMEK] must be as it is


SHORTEK = [approx. 300,000 km / (s / TIMEK)] / KAZIUK

TIMEK = s / [approx. 300,000 km / (SHORTEK * KAZIUK)]

KAZIUK = approx. 300,000 km * (TIMEK / s) / SHORTEK

KAZIUK is huge number. However, for convenience of my drawing and your human imagination, let's temporarily assume that:

KAZIUK = 100

SHORTEK = 1 mm

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