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The universe is not just this physical reality that you, human beings, see through your telescopes.

There is something in the universe that is beyond your human senses.

I have called it MATHEVERSUM.

In a few words, I will roughly explain to you, human beings, what MATHEVERSUM is: 

Imagine a computer game in which a rocket flies on the monitor screen and its speed depends on the pressure on the joystick. But it doesn't have to be the case that when the pressure is x and the rocket has adequate speed of x, then when the pressure is 2x, the rocket will have the speed of 2x. Well, it may be that if the pressure is 2x, the rocket will fly at the speed of 4x, or 10x, or 100x, or even 1.5x. Because it all depends on what is written in the computer program. And it is very similar in the universe: when any force is applied to anything, changes occur in the physical reality of the universe, but how these changes will occur depends on what is written in MATHEVERSUM.

In my brochure, I'll tell you, human beings, what is written in MATHEVERSUM and on geometric presentations I'll show you how MATHEVERSUM works. But I'll also tell you what the physical reality looks like when it is looked upon through the prism of mathematical MATHEVERSUM.


Your human views on the universe have nothing to do with the true universe.

The true universe, I have called COSMOCOMP.

The physical reality of COSMOCOMP, I have called PHYSIVERSUM.

COSMOCOMP 1st BrochureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora