Chapter 3: A New Horizon

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After days of navigating through the labyrinth of loneliness and disappointment following her abrupt departure from Stellar Hub, Eliz found solace in rediscovering her resilient and strong-willed self. Determined to rise from the ashes of her professional setback, she embarked on a journey to seek new opportunities.

One day, as the sun cast its warm glow upon her apartment, Eliz came across a newspaper that would change the course of her life. Scanning through the pages, she stumbled upon a promising job opportunity with Rkanel Inc, one of the world's most prestigious fashion luxury brands. Intrigued and fueled by a newfound sense of purpose, she couldn't help but envision herself thriving in a completely different industry.

Rkanel Inc, owned by the enigmatic French-Korean billionaire siblings Darcy and Maria Victoria Kang, stood as a symbol of sophistication and innovation. Despite lacking a background in fashion, Eliz felt an unwavering confidence in her abilities, especially considering her esteemed position as a top-tier marketing manager. She believed that her skills were transferable, and the allure of working for such an iconic brand was too enticing to resist.

As Eliz prepared her resume and crafted a compelling cover letter, she couldn't shake off the lingering confusion from her recent termination at Stellar Hub. The reasons behind her dismissal remained a mystery, but she resolved not to dwell on the past. Instead, she chose to focus on the promising future that awaited her at Rkanel Inc.

With a sense of determination, Eliz submitted her application online and eagerly awaited the call for an interview. Unlike others who might cast a wide net in their job search, Eliz was strategic in her approach. She aimed to present herself as the perfect candidate, focusing on quality over quantity in her applications.

"I am going to ace this," she uttered with a newfound conviction. The mantra became her guiding force, a beacon of positivity that fueled her preparations for the upcoming interview. Eliz was not merely seeking employment; she was on a quest to redefine herself and prove that her skills were invaluable, transcending industry boundaries.

The days that followed were a whirlwind of anticipation and preparation. Eliz delved into the world of fashion, immersing herself in the latest trends, industry terminology, and the rich history of Rkanel Inc. Her resilience and adaptability became her greatest assets, and as the interview date approached, Eliz stood on the precipice of a new chapter, ready to seize the opportunities that lay ahead.

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