🎄Floyd x Male (christmas special)

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This is based off of holiday in harmony


Cards were falling from the sky as all the trolls cot them opening them to reveal a name and that would be the person they would have to get a present for. A card flew down to you landing on the floor you picked it up and opened it to reveal the name of the person you have to get a gift for.


-with Floyd-

A card floated down in front of Floyd he grabbed it and opened it to reveal the name of the person he will have to get a gift for.


-with you-

You ran to Clay for assistance because you had absolutely no idea on what to get Floyd.


You yelled running up to him and then stoping to catch your breath. You gasped for air and put your hands on your knees to support yourself before standing up straight. You started to speak.

"Clay I need help"

"With what?"

"With Getting a gift for Floyd"


Floyd walked up to poppy for help

"Hey poppy"

"Hey Floyd"

"What type of things does y/n like?"

"Oh he likes a lot of things, but if your asking because you need a gift for him then I think you should get something small but meaningful, like a necklace or bracelet or something like that"

"Ok thanks a lot poppy"

"Your welcome"

-with you-

"That was the most useless advice in the world, and cheesy"
You said as you walked home to get something better.


You and Floyd practically avoided each other for the entire day.

Floyd was getting supplies for your gift he was going to make you a necklace.


You continued to look for gifts, every time you found something you kept second guessing it not thinking it was good enough.

-day-3-the last day-

It was time to give your gifts to each other and as the party started, Floyd pulled you aside to give his gift.

"You know the funny thing is, you got me and I got you"
You said unwrapping the gift.


"Yeah, wow Floyd, I love it"
You said you put the necklace on.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome"

"Umm here's your gift"
You said as you handed him a card.

He opened it and began to read it as you stood there fidgeting with your fingers. Floyd's eyes went wide as he finished reading the card.


"It's ok if you don't feel the same I just-"

Floyd cut you off with a quick peck on the lips.

"Of course I feel the same"
He said grabbing your hand as you smile at each other.

"Well there's more to my gift but you can't get it here"
Floyd blushed as you pulled him back to your place for a fun night.


I got a tiny bit lazy but oh well. I will be going on a trip back to my home town for Christmas and so I will most likely be writing some stories for this book and maybe my other books too :]

525 words

Trolls x male/GN/fem reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now