Clay x Rock troll (pt 1)

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Poppy and her friends were invited to a Rock and Roll talent show by Barb and you were in it. You were a semi popular rock troll known for your awesome songs so of course you just had to sign up for this.

Barb sat with poppy and her friends she was nonstop going on about you and how cool you are.

"Oh you guys are going to love him"

After a few other trolls went up it was finally your turn.

(Cue the music[a song of your choice I can't think of anything])

During the song clay obviously could not keep his eyes off of you.


"Your darn right wow, YEAH Y/N!"
barb screamed your name from the stands.

-time-skip-after the show-

"You guys want to meet y/n"
Barb asked and everyone agreed. Barb led them to the dressing room you and your band were staying in. She nocked on the door and you were the one to open it.

"Hey Barb"

"Hey y/n, I have some people I want you to meet"

"Ok let meet them, come in"

They all walked into the room the first one to introduce themselves was clay.

"Hi I'm clay I've heard so much about you"



After meeting everyone you showed them some of your awesome electric guitar moves drumming skills and other things, you all just talked and hung out until it was time for you to all leave.

You walked to you place saying goodbye to Barb the band and poppy's group. As soon as you got home you took a shower and went straight to bed.


I have no idea where to go with this so I'm just gonna leave it at this and then make a part 2 to it k :]

303 words

Trolls x male/GN/fem reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now