John dory x M!Rock troll

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You were your average day rock troll doing nothing but making songs practicing with your band and playing hard core rock songs but you were bored and tired of it, you wanted to explore the world not just make music so one day you packed up all your things and left to explore the world.


You were camping out in the forest when you heard rustling in the bushes. You went to go check it out, you slowly approached the bush and hesitantly reached inside, you felt something and that something yelped so you grabbed it and pulled it out of the bushes making it fall on its back.

He groaned

"Who are you"

"I could be asking you the same thing"

"I'm y/n now you"

"Oh. Im John John Dory"

"Oh I know you, your that guy from that one boy band bro zone right? Your the leader"

"Yeah, well was"

"Yeah, so what is a hot shot pop troll like you doing all the way out here"

"Oh I'm just hiking, we'll I'm also kind of lost I've never been in these parts of the woods before so..."

"Hmm we'll your welcome to stay with me till you find your way back to wherever your familiar with"

"Oh thanks"

You said walking back to your fire and puting more wood in it. You Laid out an extra blanket for John to sleep on.

"So I actually have like a pet. Her name is Rhonda she's probably looking for me already so"

"Do you want to stay up and wait for her to find you?"

"I guess"

You said getting comfortable by the fire, John sat next to you and started up some conversation.

"So why are you out here"

"I got bored of the band so I just came out here for some peace"

John just hummed. And as he did Rhonda came running threw the bushes coming to a hard stop in front of John.


John pet Rhonda as you just stared with wide eyes.

"Ok so I guess your gonna go now so bye?"

"Heh I was actually wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

"Oh my god yes I've been so lonely out here all by myself"

"I had a feeling you were, come on"
He said ushering you into His portable house it was actually quite spacious in there. You immediately sat down on the soft couch as John drove off to a secure place.

"How long have you been sleeping outside"

"I don't even know, it was a long time though"

John hummed.

"Make yourself at home"

"I'm gonna make myself at home by sleeping on this nice comfortable couch"
You sighed John just laughed.

It's been a-few minuet you were fast asleep John could see you were shivering from the cold so he grabbed a blanket at carefully laid it on top of you he looked at your peaceful form laying comfortably on the couch before he walked to the driver seat and got as comfortable as he could get and fell asleep glad that he has a friend to travel with.


I kept asking myself if I really wanted to wright this chapter or not but I did so yay.

556 words

Trolls x male/GN/fem reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now