Chapter Three

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Astrid sat the throne in The Great Hall, writing letters to the new chief of the berserker tribe 'Dagur the deranged', requesting aid and supplies to spare. She wondered if Dagur had changed since they were kids and he enjoyed torturing everyone, especially Hiccup and Fishlegs.
Snotlout was the one who suggested they message the berserkers, He had always admired  Dagur, some might even say Snotlout had a crush on the older yet deranged boy.

"A, news from the docks." Tuffnut called, walking into The Great Hall with his twin sister Ruffnut close behind.
"Some fishermen say there are rumors going around about a 'Night Rider'."Ruffnut said, sitting down on the table.
Tuffnut spoke up next,"Yeah, some guy in all black armor is running around with a night fury, freeing dragons!" Tuffnut exclaimed, clearly in awe.

"Hiccup.." Astrid whispered, her heart leaping into her throat and her stomach doing somersaults, "Take me to them, take me to the fishermen, and get fishlegs, tell him to send a letter to the chief of the berserkers requesting him to come here for a meeting!"
While Tuffnut ran off to find Fishlegs, Ruffnut brought Astrid to the docks where the people of Berk, all bundled up, were trading for food and blankets.
Ruffnut brought her to an old fisherman, his hair was pitch black with strands of gray and his beard reached his knees, the man had a bit of a belly and rosy cheeks, his eyes were a clear blue. He looked kind.

"Ah, The Night Rider? That's what everyone is calling him down south. A man cloaked in black scales, no one knows if it's his skin or armor. He rides a night fury and strikes in the night with a small group of dragons, attacking trapper and hunter ships taking their entire shipments of dragons." The fisherman, who was named Gardar, explained. He stroked his beard as he spoke, his voice was surprisingly gentle and high pitched.
"Does anyone know what this man looks like?" Astrid asked, trying to stay calm and avoid panicking at the thought of getting Hiccup back.
"Only the dragon trapper, Eret son of Eret, and the hunter Viggo Grimborn know what he looks like up close. A few of their men have seen him from afar, they say he has long, shaggy brown hair, and a lean figure." Gardar said, nodding his head thoughtfully.

Astrid wanted to scream and throw something, what kind of explanation was that? Several men have shaggy brown hair and a lean figure!
Astrid had to pause, and take a deep breath, she was the acting chieftess, she couldn't blow off the handle like this anymore, she had to be responsible and level headed.

"Ruffnut, get the boys, tell them we are going to look for Hiccup ourselves." Astrid ordered, turning to the blonde girl beside her, before walking off.
"And where are you going?" Ruffnut asked, tilting her head at Astrid in confusion, placing her hands on her hips.
"I'm telling Stoick we might know where Hiccup is." Astrid sighed, and without another word she walked off.

She walked fast to Stoick's house, Everyone steered clear of her after seeing the look on her face. Astrid didn't know if she wanted to scream, cry, or laugh, for once in her life Astrid didn't know what to do with herself.

When she got to the old Haddock house she found Stoick sitting by the unlit fireplace, Hiccup's sketchbook in his hand.
"He might be alive." Astrid said, her words came out jumbled and choked, she stumbled towards Stoick and hugged the man as she let out a breath of relief. "Stoick, he could be alive. We have a lead!" Astrid exclaimed, feeling the chief tremble beneath her fingertips.
Stoick hugged her back, and he cried. The big, intimidating, strong Stoick the vast sobbed into Astrid's shoulder, neither of them said a word as the two warriors let down their guard and cried.

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