"I.. At first, when those girls asked me about if I liked someone.. I couldn't answer. I didn't knew those girl well enough to tell them I liked someone. I thought I shouldn't say. It was bad enough that I lied. I shouldn't. But when you asked me directly, it was already too late. You told me that you liked Kuro-tan. I.. didn't wanted to lose a friend. I was scared. But now I don't want to hide it anymore." you explained.

Momoi slaps you on the face. She had told you to get up and when you did she slapped you again even harder on the same side of the cheek that she hit you the first time, making you fell down. She was just about to punch you till you stopped her.

"I was wrong. Even if I ended up hated, I should of told you. I apologize even if you don't forgive me. But I don't plan on giving up Kuro-tan." she started punching you with her hand. You dodged it this time. You didn't fight back. You didn't want to hit her. You tried to dodge every punch she did, but every punch seems to be getting weaker. You thought you deserve it. But you weren't going to take a second punch. Momoi started to cry, giving up on hitting you.

"Why.. Why do you still want to become friends with someone like me? I'm so childish for hitting you. For getting worked up.. I should of just listen to you out. I wanted to stay friends with you. I wanted to believe in what you said. Sure, I love Tetsu-kun but (Y/N)-chan is very important to me as well! I should of.. Even though I thought you didn't think of us as friends-"

"No! I always did!"

"Even when I thought that. I should of start over to be your actual friend!" Momoi cries. "I know Tetsu-kun love (Y/N)-chan very much. There was no way I could of won. But I thought you liked Akashi-kun. I thought Kise-kun liked you. I'm sorry! But I don't want to give up on Tetsu-kun either!"❖❖❖ "Damn it. Satsuki left me." Aomine-kun said. "Where the fuck did she go?"

"Oh. Aomine-cchi. What are you doing here?" Kise asks.

"Kise? What are you doing here?"

"No fair! I asked first!" Kise said.

"Well I don't have time for you right now. I need help looking for Satsuki and (Y/N)." As soon as he said that, he spots the both of you. He sees Momoi on you, trying to punch you if she could. But you kept dodging. The two boys runs up to you and Momoi, hoping to stop the fight. Kise went over to see if you were alright while Aomine-kun was grabbing Momoi from behind. It was then Aomine-kun heard Momoi's feelings. Aomine-kun couldn't help to flinch because of that.

"Sat-tan." you said, changing her name. You knew at this point to reconcile, you would change her name. "Sat-tan, try confessing to Kuro-tan. I can't do it. You need to first. If I were to date Kuro-tan now, you would regret it wouldn't you? I can't support you but I don't want you to regret the choices you might make."

"Will you still hate me if I did got together with Tetsu-kun?" you flinched. Somehow deep in your heart, you knew that there was hope for Momoi. Even if you did loved Kuroko-kun after all this time, you had also fell in love with Akashi. Like what Kise said earlier, if you cose Akashi that he is the most special person, Momoi can be with Kuroko-kun. But, since your feelings are still jumbled up, there was a slightest chance for Kuroko-kun to choose the peach hair girl.

"I'll be frustrated but I can't hate you. Good luck." you said, smiling. You grab your phone out of your pocket, dialing Kuroko-kun's number. You handed Momoi the phone.

"Hello? Tetsu-kun?" she asks. "Um.. Um.. Can we meet up?" The peach hair girl smiles at you like Kuroko-kun had said yes. She gives you back your phone and started running off saying thank you and go find Kuroko-kun. You look at Aomine-kun and rub your injury. "Not going to stop her?"

"No. Why would I? I have you to deal with right now." Aomine-kun answers. Kise doesn't say anything. Was it too much of a coincidence you and Momoi were fighting and Kise and Aomine-kun had found you too. Kise thought about it for a moment. You layed down on the dirty ground, didn't care if it was dirty or not. You put your hand over your eyes. "O-Oi. You okay?"

"No and yes." you answered. "We finally reconciled. But.. I'm still worried about Kuro-tan's answer. Is it weird to be insecure?"

"Did you tell her about Akashi though?" Aomine-kun asks, ignoring your question. You didn't say anything but said now you have that to deal with.

"No." you said, looking gloomy. "Hey Dai-tan?"

"Yeah?" he asks.

"She was hurt by my words. Sat-tan's going even though she knows she might get rejected. Have I made a mistake again? I let her hit me. Sat-tan wanted to ease her heart. What if her heart breaks? What if I said I wanted her to get rejection? I'm unable to do anything for her after all this time. Sat-tan won't forgive me. She might even yell at me and hit me again once she finds about Sei-tan. Is it okay to have these feelings?"

"I don't know.." Aomine-kun said. Kise couldn't help not to say anything. He just sat there, looking at you so frustrated. What has he been doing?

"Can you be there for Sat-tan when I can't?"

"Sure." Aomine-kun said. Aomine-kun stands up and started walking after Momoi. You and Kise were left alone.

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