Chapter 4 - Dreampaw

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Dreampaw followed Ravenblaze back into camp. It had been a long day travelling the territory, and her paws hurt. Ravenblaze had reassured her that her pads would become tougher overtime, and soon enough wouldn't hurt at all.

"Alright, Dreampaw, after everyone has eaten, you may pick something out of the fresh-kill pile. For now, you can go to the apprentices den and find yourself a nest." Ravenblaze smiled.

Dreampaw yawned. "Alright! See you later, Ravenblaze!"

Ravenblaze nodded and trotted off to where Snakestar was resting. Dreampaw made her way to the apprentices den, nodding to her mother, who was clearing out her old nest in the nursery. Now that Dreampaw and her littermates were apprentices, her mother was free to move back to the warriors den. Dreampaw entered the apprentices den, picking out a nest that smelt like it wasn't in use. She laid in the nest, resting her head on her paws drifting off to sleep. 

"Dreampaw..." A voice called.

"Huh?" Dreampaw murmured as she slightly opened her eyes.

"Dreampaw..." The voice called again.

Dreampaw fully opened her eyes, seeing an unfamiliar cat in front of her. This cat looked and smelt unfamiliar, and Dreampaw felt uneasy...

"Who are you?" Dreampaw questioned.

"Who I am is not important at this time, little one. Come along with me, I must show you something."

Dreampaw was unsure of whether or not she should follow the mysterious cat, and the cat could sense this.

"Do not worry, little one, I intend no harm." The cat smiled as they started to walk off. 
Dreampaw decided to follow the cat, and the two walked until they came upon a clearing. 

"How's training, Dreampaw?" The cat asked.

"How do you know my name?"

"I've been watching over you for awhile. I am the sister of your father, Shatteredsky." The cat smiled.

Dreampaws eyes widened. "That's not my dad..."

The cat froze in their tracks. "Oh... has... Woodfur not told you?" The cat turned around to meet Dreampaws gaze. "You are a halfclan cat. Half Shadowclan, half Windclan. Why do you think Ravenblaze has taken such a liking to you? He is  me and Shatteredsky's cousin."

"Ravenblaze and Shatteredsky are... related? Wait that's not important!" Dreampaw shook her head, "I don't believe you! My father is Lightfur, not Shatteredsky! I don't even know who that is!" Dreampaw insisted, refusing to believe she could have such awful blood in her veins. 

The cat gave Dreampaw a sympathetic look, before moving closer to her. The cat rested their bushy tail along Dreampaws back. "Darling... my name is Gentlefeather. I am a former warrior of Windclan... I passed away in a battle with... Shadowclan."

Dreampaw moved away from Gentlefeather. "Is Woodfur actually my mother!?"

"I am sorry, darling. She isn't. Your real mother passed away before you opened your eyes."

"W-what?! What was her name?" Dreampaw inquired

Gentlefeather paused momentarily. "I believe it was... Crystallight..."

"Why wouldn't they tell me... so that means... my whole life... has been nothing more than a mere lie..." Dreampaw met Gentlefeather's gaze, and saw something flicker in her eyes. 

"Dreampaw... are you angry at this?"

Dreampaw nodded.

"Would you like revenge on your clan?" Gentlefeather smirked.

"I-I don't know..." Dreampaw meowed before suddenly being hit in the side. 

Dreampaw's eyes quickly opened. She was now awake. There was a cat- another apprentice from the looks of it. She had a golden pelt- and she was one of the prettiest cats Dreampaw has ever seen. Her eyes were a beautiful blue, and the darker golden stripes on her fur really brought them out. 

"Get up, there's a meeting." The cat meowed.

"Who are you?" Dreampaw asked in awe. 

"Goldenpaw. We were in the nursery together, remember?"

Dreampaw couldn't help but be embarrassed. "Oh yeah, you're two moons older than me" She nervously chuckled.

"Come along, Dreamkit-" The beautiful she paused momentarily "er uh... Dreampaw... sorry, I need to get used to Dreampaw." She chuckled. "We are going to miss the meeting." Goldenpaw sighed as she walked over to the den exit. 

Dreampaw quickly got up and followed her out, walking to the clan clearing. Dreampaw sat down and saw her brother, Hawkpaw, run up to her. "Hey Dreampaw! Guess what! When I was out with Snowfoot, I caught a mouse!" He exclaimed. 

"Really? That's awesome!" She smiled. Though her smile didn't last long once she remembered her dream. "I didn't catch a mouse-"

Hawkpaw cut her off. "That's fine! You're still the best sister in the world! It was pure luck, so please don't be jealous..."

"I'm not jealous, I was trying to tell you something else if you would let me finish. I was gonna say, I didn't catch a mouse, but I had a really weird dream..."

Hawkpaw chuckled. "Hey! My name's Hawkpaw, so i'm a great hunter, just like a hawk! You're name is Dreampaw, so you have weird dreams!"

Goldenpaw chuckled.

Snakestar sat on the rock, standing up. The clan whispers grew silent at once. "It is with great sadness I announce one of our apprentices, Frogpaw, is in the medicine den due to a fox attack. I Ravenblaze will be organising a patrol to drive this beast out. Does an-" 

"My baby!" Woodfur screamed out, sprinting over to the medicine den.

"Frogpaw... Dreampaw let's go!" Hawkpaw exclaimed, running after his mother.

Dreampaw hesitated- considering the contents of her dream. She ended up deciding whether related or not, Frogpaw has always been there for her. Dreampaw ran after Hawkpaw and Woodfur.  

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