『First Meeting』

Start from the beginning

"Oh.....who could it be......I want to see them....I wonder who it is....if they're hot im in...I want to see...."

Ugh...the whispers again...these people love gossip...

A red head guy came out..and a white haired guy with a red strip also came out.

"Hey bitches!!"
I heard one of them say.
The other rolled his eyes.

God...they look like fucking models! How come I've never seen them before!?

Wait...one of them....they look familiar...the white haired guy...have I seen him before...

Then it all clicked..

He's the guy...who landed a hit on the Raiden Ei! The guy from the prophecy! The guy who if I don't kill..all of Inazuma will die..

I almost fell of the stairs..

Oh god he's right there...I rushed down walking as fast as I could. I need him...and now..

Kazuhas Pov:

Oh god there is so many people!!
I can't believe Heizou said that out loud!

There are so many people staring...did I do something wrong? Ugh...

"Hey Heizou.."


"I'm gonna get a drink alright? This place is huge.."

"Alright! I'll be over there where the food is in case you need me!"

"Okay..see you later!"

"See ya!"

I'm getting hot...

"Hey can I have an Apple Cider please?"

"Yep! Coming right up!"

I chose a table at the bar and sat down...this is so much better than staying locked up in Heizous house at least..

"Here..an apple cider correct?"

"Oh yes thank you!"

"Your very welcome dear.."

The people are nice..

I took a sip of my drink..

"Mm, tastes n-"


I spilled my drink all over my clothes..no..HE spilled my drink all over my clothes....


My good ones.

What the fuck!?

"My apologies..I think you've mistaken me for somebody else.."

"Ha! In your dreams! I would recognise you from anywhere.."

This guy...wait..he looks...exactly like Raiden Ei..

"Who are you..?"

"Call me Scaramouche..I'm going to kill you..."


The fuck?

I let out an awkward cough to break the silence.

"I-i see.."

This guy...is strange...he looks pretty hot though...

"I'm not kidding!"


"You'll see!" Don't underestimate m-"



"Get down" the guy said.


"I said, Get down!!"

I did as was told only to hear shooting from above.

"What the heck is happening!"

"I don't know! All I know is that.."

He froze.

"The people.."

"What people!?"

"The innocent people! We have to save them!" He shouted over the chaos.

"Are you out of your bloody mind!? Do you have a death wish!?" I shouted back.

"I won't die...come on..you fought Raiden Ei no? This won't be hard then.."

"How do you kno-"

"Not the point. Either this or everybody dies or we fight and everyone lives."

I looked at his beautiful purple eyes and he stared back.

I sighed..

"Alright..let's do this.."

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