chapter five

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She was sitting by the fireplace. I brought a shirt of mine and gave it to her. I went to the kitchen to make her coffee.
When I returned with a coffee tray and biscuits, she was wearing my shirt and spread his own by the heater to dry.
Me: "you didn't tell me where you lived, but tomorrow we have to go and get them where your clothes are."
She said, " Do you think I live with the homeless?"
I said, "No, no..I just told you. For your clothes.. "
She shook his head.
I sat next to her.. she held the coffee in her hand. I don't know how her hands didn't burn.
She said, "I like the heat. Cold and ice melt with heat. Fire is the color of your eyes. It's dangerous, though. It can burn you and the pain of burning is more terrible than the pain of freezing.
I'm right, but I don't like the cold anyway."
It was dusk. I told her if she could go to bed in the room.
She told me she wasn't tired and wanted to analyze my house.
She said, "I can take it from your home decor that you're a quiet, bored person, you don't enjoy being in the crowd, and you often make people think you hate them, you don't like to talk, but you want someone to talk to you"
I smiled, "that's interesting. How did you know that from my home decor?"
Sana: "well, your blood is milky and brown. You have a few things that are mostly simple. And I have the listening part and all that from knowing these two days."
She went to my room: " you have a bed. In fact, your whole room is in order. This shows you enjoy cleaning."
Me: "right. You'll be a good psychologist!"
Sana:" No..Thank you. I don't like this anonymous strategy job. People in this job think they're very thoughtful and knowledgeable and know everything. Or they think they're goddesses and they can control people's souls. And most of them are crazy and psychotic."
"I agree with you a little bit, but ... .I don't know."
Sana: "do you have a movie to watch?"
Me: "yeah, I have a lot of movies. Because I'm not bored spending time with people. I spend most of my time watching movies or reading books."
He confirmed it and waited for me to film it. I also posted one of my favorite movies that I felt was interesting. We sat on the couch and looked at him.
After a while, Sana fell asleep, and I turned off the TV, threw a blanket on it, and went to the couch in front of her to sleep.
Sana reminded me of eve very strangely. Her speaking posture, her sleeping, her watching movies and even watching them.
My brain didn't let me think any more and turned me off.

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