Chapter ten: I love you...

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, a crazy idea shot in my mind and I blurted it out without even thinking.

"Suke, can you sleep next to me tonight?" My face immediately reddened once I said that, and I probably looked like a tomato at that moment, since when Keisuke glanced down at me, he smirked and let out a small laugh.

"Sure. I just gotta tell my mom first. It shouldn't be a problem." He replied, with a grin on his face.

Me and Keisuke lived close to each other, so we often slept over at each other's houses. Either was it because he came back from a fight and didn't want his mother to see his condition, or either was it because I was being my usual clingy self and wanted to sleep next to him.

"Maybe I could go over to her, take some pajamas too." Keisuke suggested and I shrugged in response.

"Sure." I replied casually.

"Okay, I'll be back in 10." He stood up, giving me a quick peck on the cheek, before dashing to his apartment.

After Keisuke talked to his mother and went over to take his pajamas,  he eventually came back and it would be an understatement to say I was happy he was gonna sleepover.

Rin and Ran would be coming home late today so I wouldn't have to worry about them annoying me and I could finally enjoy some time alone with my boyfriend that I missed so so much.

For a pajama, Keisuke wore literally just some random shorts and a t-shirt. But oh well, I was the same. Thankfully my bed is big enough to fit the two of us, so soon we were both comfortable in bed, laying next to each other.

It would have been really awkward if it wasn't for the fact that I knew Keisuke since we were toddlers. We got used to each other till now.

It was silent for a while. Both me and Keisuke were lost in thoughts, but a sense of warmth and comfort was around us, since we knew we had each other and we were both safe.

I got bored from just staring at the moon from the window and turned to my side, staring at Keisuke. It wasn't creepy or something (it probably was), I was just taking in his features. He had grown a lot since we were young kids. His hair though was just as fluffy and soft as it was when we were young.

I guess Keisuke felt my gaze, because he turned towards me, facing me with a small grin. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer into his chest like he always did, and he brushed his hand through my hair. I looked up at him and returned his grin with a soft smile. He leaned down slightly and my heart sped up, my cheeks reddening, but I didn't move an inch.

If he was gonna kiss me, that would be our third kiss. It happened quite rarely since there weren't many moments we had for ourselves to just hand out like that. But here we were. Me laying in his embrace as his face is slowly inching closer to mine.

Finally, our lips touched gently, barely even. His lips felt soft against mine and made me feel tingly. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I felt all giddy inside. Like a girl that meets her favorite actor that she brags about it all the time. If I had told myself a few months ago, that I was gonna be back in Keisuke's arms, sharing the sweetest kiss with him, my depressed ass wouldn't have believed a thing. But well, it's happening.

Our lips touched for a while, maybe a minute that felt like whole eternity of heaven, but then he pulled away so we could both take a proper breath, and he grinned down at me. I could see a hint of blush on his cheeks, but that was nothing compared to my face since my cheek were probably flushed in a deep crimson color.

I stared into his eyes, a feeling bubbling up within me. Without thinking, a soft whisper left my lips. A soft whisper that was actually my confession.

"I love you..."

(A/n: Okayyy that was crazy...Sorry for all the cheesy shit and all. I just though, damn, I'm on the tenth chapter and I haven't written almost anything that includes Baji. While the whole fanfiction is about him. So chapter nine and ten were kinda me making up for all those lost chapters. Also, I wanted to give yall a bit more information about Y/n and Baji's relationship. It's honestly really hard for me to predict how he could be in a relationship, but given the was I've build my story till now, I see him as a big softie for Y/n. I'm sorry if some of you expected Baji like a dominant/possessive/ jealous boyfriend, but I just can't see him like that. I'm sorry for the kiss, I'm sure it was cringe as hell and if I go back and read this chapter after a month, I'll die from embarrassment, but considering that Baji is 13 and Y/n is 12, I can't make something more...umm...heated. Well enough of my dumb talk, I'm almost sure most of you are gonna skip the a/n anyways, and I don't blame you, I skip them too. Hope yall enjoyed and see you in the next chapter!)

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