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Christmas Eve.

"mommy where's Z-Bear?" Nalani asked. They were laying in bed on this beautiful morning watching movies.

"He's working right now Tinka"

"i miss him" she said frowning

"call him Tinka" Fatima said and handed Nalani her phone. She quickly found the facetime app and click Zac's name. It ringed twice before he answered.

"yes princess?" Zac said

"i miss you"

"i'll be right there princess"


2 minutes later he walked into the bedroom.

"Z-bear!" Nalani spring up and hugged Zac

"what's up my favorite girl?"

"i miss you. i woke up and you weren't here"

"im working babygirl, but i have five minutes so what do you need?"

"i just want a hug"

They hugged for a few minutes then Zac left out of the room and Nalani laid back down.

"mommy is Z-Bear my daddy?"

"(he's mine) umm why do you ask that?"

"because you're my mommy and you and Z-Bear got married so isn't he my daddy?"

"Tinka we aren't married, yet. but how about you ask him later on" Fatima didn't know what to say, so she planned to talk with Zac later.


Hours later, Noon.

Richard had just come over since they were doing christmas at Fatima's house. Fatima and Richard were in the kitchen cooking while Nalani was trying to see what was going on in the backyard. Fatima told her to sit down somewhere and even though her feelings were hurt, she listened. Zac and Jordan came in the house from the back since they were finally done with the tree house, it took no time to build.

"hey yall, lunch is almost ready" Fatima said

"it smells good, we're gonna shower and shit." Zac responded

"okay your plates will be ready when you're done"

10 minutes later, Andi comes through the door, with Robin.

"hey baby muva!" Andi said walking into the kitchen.

"heyyyy boo!" They hugged. "bitch you ain't tell me you were bringing Robin" she whispered

"we'll talk later"

"hey Robin" Fatima greeted him

"what's up Tima"

"TT!" Nalani ran over hugging Andi

"hey my precious baby. Robin this is my niece i told you about"

"hi miss Nalani, im Robin"

"are you TT's boyfriend?"


"answer her she won't give it up"

"yes i am her boyfriend"

"TT i thought you said you would never get a boyfriend"

"ouu child you talk too much, come on let's put these bags up" Andi responded and they went upstairs.

"good job Tinka" Fatima said high fiving Nalani

They guys came back from their shower and everyone got acquainted while they ate. After eating everyone went their separate ways doing some last minute shopping/running errands. Zac, Fatima, and Nalani went to the mall.

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