Triggered - PrapaiSky (Final)

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Once they reached their home, Phayu parked before it and quickly got off, opening the back doors for the other three. Rain turned towards Sky, who was sleeping peacefully.

"Sky! We are already here!" he said, though immediately, Prapai told him to be quiet.

"Don't wake him up. Let him sleep."

Phayu also turned to Rain, looking as if he was also ready to scold him, but he just concentrated on helping his boyfriend exit the car. Prapai unbuckled the seatbelts for both him and Sky and got out. He quickly lifted Sky and carried him on his arms bridal style, holding him tightly so he wouldn't fall. Phayu helped Prapai by getting the key and opening the door. Then, they all got in, with Rain and Phayu following Prapai to the bedroom he shared with Sky and placing the younger one on the bed, quickly covering him with the bedsheets.

"Thank you for driving us home."

"You too?! I thought I made it clear that there shouldn't be any thank yous in between family and friends!" quickly exclaimed Rain, who was, just like Sky had said, back to being an angry chihuahua.

"Rain, don't yell! You will wake up Sky!" scolded Phayu, glaring at him as if he was going to kill him.

Rain mouthed a sorry as he covered his mouth. Both Prapai and Phayu sighed, practically being done with the boy.

They turned to Sky, sitting down next to the sleeping young man and watching over him as the protective men they were.

"What exactly triggered Sky?" asked Rain, who didn't know the exact details.

"It was because of the area he had ended up in while going to his new therapist," explained Prapai while he caressed Sky's hair. "Something must have happened there regarding his trauma, though I don't know the exact details."

The other two understood, though just like Prapai, they could only imagine so much regarding how Sky felt.

"It is certainly an area that he had been avoiding for fear he would get triggered," said Phayu. "I have read that it's something common among people who have been traumatized. They avoid places that have any connection with their trauma, whether it is because they fear coming across those who are to blame for it or because they would get triggered."

Prapai agreed, imagining that it was indeed the reason for Sky's reaction to being there again.

"Ugh! That Gun asshole!" yelled Rain, once again forgetting he would wake up Sky if he did. "I hope he is burning in hell! Nothing is enough for that piece of shit to suffer!"

"Rain!" both men said at the same time, leaving Rain pouting.

They clearly felt the same way Rain did, though they were not as impulsive as he was.

"I think we should leave already. We still have some things to do and on top of that, Rain needs some punishment for almost waking up Sky" said Phayu, who had already taken Rain's hand and was dragging him out of the room.

"P'Phayu, let me go!" begged the younger one once they were out.

"Keep yelling more and the punishment will be twice more severe!"

Prapai ended up almost facepalming at the chaos the two of them always brought wherever they went. Then, his attention was quickly caught by Sky moving. He opened his eyes again, this time his gaze being pain free.


Prapai quickly held his hands and smiled softly, already warming him up with his smile alone.

"Yes, my dear Sky?"

Sky pulled Prapai closer to him, holding him tightly. The heat of the other one's body was also embracing him and keeping his entire body nice and warm.

"I wanted to tell you the reason I had been avoiding that place."

Prapai quickly placed all of his attention on the younger one. He did tell him that if he didn't feel ready to talk about it he could tell him another day, but Sky insisted.

"In that neighborhood is where practically everything unfolded. Gun's house is there, the bar where we met is there, every place where it took place is there."

Prapai looked at him with a saddened expression. He could more or less figure out how the boy felt.

"I had been avoiding it for years because I thought if I went there, I would get triggered or even worse, encounter him. I didn't want to ever set foot there. Even if he is gone, it brings nothing but bad memories and I didn't want to go there regardless."

Prapai gently caressed his hair and then his back, providing him some more comfort. He tried to get into his boyfriend's shoes and imagine the situation: It surely would have made him feel awfully bad if he found himself in a place where all sorts of bad things had happened to him. It was more than understandable.

"I understand. I haven't gone through anything like you did, but if I was scared of going somewhere because it left me with bad memories and ended up there, I would have reacted like you did, though not as severely. Your feelings are more than valid."

Sky smiled, always feeling validated by Prapai. He never told him that he was exaggerating or there was no reason for him to react that way and Sky couldn't be more grateful for it.

"Thank you for always understanding, P'Pai. I love you." he said as he kept hugging him, his head resting on his chest.

"I love you too, Sky. More than anything in the world."

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