Already Proud - PhayuRain (1)

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It had been a year since Phayu and Rain got together. They were enjoying their new life in each other's company to the fullest, now living in a house that Phayu himself had designed. It was completely made to fit their likings, taking them into consideration from the structure of the building to the decoration. To the couple, it was the perfect place to live in, even the location being ideal as it was not far from the garage.

In no time, Phayu had become a famous architect after having taken part in several important projects, like designing the homes of some celebrities. He was very successful and earned a lot of money with it, but he refused to also leave his job as a mechanic.

As for Rain, he had reached his third year of college and had improved more when it came to being responsible, his grades now being as good as Sky's. He was determined to prove that he was capable enough of becoming an architect to prove people wrong and also make his loved ones proud. It was then that slowly, he began developing unhealthy habits much like his best friend had in the past, leaving everything aside to satisfy those around him.

Rain had become so focused on his studies that he had begun to forget to take care of himself and therefore leading to his health to deteriorate and his brain becoming burnt out.

Phayu started noticing that his boyfriend was changing. Whenever he would embrace him, he would notice that the boy was more tense than usual, his muscles almost feeling as rigid as rocks. He could see that he was exhausted, the dark circles around his eyes already giving that away. His body was thinner too due to the lack of food. When it came to his overall behavior, he was more anxious and zoned out way more whenever he wasn't burying himself in work. He was also more irritable, snapping at the smallest of things.

He had become such a mess. He would forget to eat, drink or even take care of his hygiene. It had reached a point where it had become really extreme, but even though the boy was aware he was getting worse, he didn't seem willing to stop before it would reach dangerous territory.

"Rain, please, put the laptop down already and eat." said Sky for the nth time while both boys were sitting together during lunch break.

"I already ate earlier so now I'm not hungry."

Sky let out a long sigh before he grabbed the boy by his cheeks, forcing him to look at him instead of the screen.


"Will you please listen to me, Rain?" begged the usually calm boy, who was now concerned and frustrated. "Stop pushing yourself so much and take a break. I will let the teachers know and I'm sure they will understand, so please, just take some time away from work before you end up collapsing. Just go home and eat, drink and sleep."

Rain, as stubborn as he was, refused to give up and quickly tried to stop the other one from worrying.

"I'm doing fine, Sky, don't worry," he said, obviously telling a lie. "And I can't possibly take a break now that we are almost at the end of the semester. We need to study even more and on top of that I want to get the highest grades. I won't stop nor can't afford to."

Sky bit on his lip out of frustration, cursing internally at his friend for being so incredibly stubborn and blaming himself for not being able to convince him.

"Rain, just listen! You won't achieve anything by making yourself sick! You are worrying everyone that cares about you! What you are doing is not healthy and it's taking a toll on your body already! Can't you see that or are you willingly choosing to not see it? Just focus on your health now and don't pay attention to anything else!"

Rain surely knew that Sky was right, but just like his friend had said, he was choosing to ignore that he was hurting himself. On top of that, he didn't even know if he could stop at all.


That evening, when Rain came back home, taking advantage of Phayu not being home yet, he started working on his assignments and studying, once again forgetting to eat or drink anything.

However, it soon began taking effect on his body.

The screen of the computer was becoming blurrier and he was barely able to read any of the things he was typing. He felt lightheaded too, feeling the world spinning even when he was sitting down on a chair. His body was weak and he was slowly losing control over it. He fell off the chair, hitting the ground as everything faded to black.

When Phayu arrived, he took off his shoes and placed down the bag he was carrying. He noticed that Rain's shoes were also there so he began calling him, finding it strange that the boy hadn't gone to receive him at the door when he was already at home. He began searching for him all over the house, trying to check if he was just in the bathroom or something had happened. Much to his dismay, he reached their study room and found Rain unconscious on the ground, immediately making his boyfriend panic as he knelt down and took him into his arms.

"Rain? Rain, wake up! Rain!" called out the man as he tried to get him to open his eyes by shaking him and giving him gentle slaps on his cheeks.

He checked if he had a pulse and if he was breathing and he was relieved to find that he had one and that he was breathing, but he wasn't regaining consciousness at all. He quickly called Rain's parents and Saifah to let them know what had happened and then carried Rain to his car so he could take him to the hospital. 

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