Triggered - PrapaiSky (3)

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That's all it took for Prapai to finally start crying as he pulled the boy into a hug, holding onto him as if he was going to lose him if he didn't.

"Sky! My dear Sky!" exclaimed Prapai as he let his tears fall.

Sky couldn't help crying either as he remembered what had led him to that catatonic state.

He recalled being triggered upon seeing the area he had ended up in and suddenly flashbacks poured into his mind, trapping him in them to the point he couldn't get out of them. It had been so painful that his body had shut down completely in order to detach from them, but that led to nobody being able to get him to come back to his senses.

It had been the most painful thing he had experienced ever since his last encounter with Gun.

He turned to Prapai, who looked completely devastated even though Sky had already awakened. He had been very concerned and the fact that Sky had gone through such a really bad episode had really left him frustrated and sad.

"P'Pai, I'm sorry for worrying you." said the younger one as he kept holding onto the other man.

"No, Sky, don't apologize. It's not your fault that this happened. Don't feel guilty."

They pulled away and turned to each other, holding hands so that Sky could still feel some comfort if he decided to speak.

"It was so scary...I couldn't get out of that spiral. It was painful because they kept repeating over and over again."

He clutched tightly his hands, Prapai allowing him to do as much as he needed.

"Even my body had left me unable to escape. Both my mind and my body were trapping me in that spiral."

Prapai looked at him with a pained expression, placing himself in his boyfriend's shoes and inevitably getting an idea of how it had felt.

He brought the boy closer again and let him rest against his chest, giving him soft caresses.

"I'm sorry you went through that. It must have been so painful for you to be unable to leave those flashbacks. However, you are safe now. You are no longer trapped in them and I'm here with you."

Sky gave into his touch as Prapai softly spoke to him, holding onto the comfort that Prapai provided.

"You are next to me now and I wouldn't let anybody hurt you. Everything is okay now."

As Sky relaxed, the doctors came back to check on Sky. He had already woken up, but they still had to make sure that he was well enough to go home.

"The medication we gave him has worked perfectly," spoke the main doctor. "I believe he is well enough to return home. However, we will give him some medication that he can carry in case he happens to fall back into that state."

Prapai quickly thanked the doctors and helped Sky stand up and head out. Prapai, who had left his car in that triggering area, couldn't possibly go back right then to get it, so he called Phayu to ask him to drive them home. He quickly explained everything that had happened to him, and even though both Rain and him were currently taking care of some stuff, he accepted.

They soon arrived, Phayu's car stopping right at the entrance to the hospital. Immediately, Rain got out of the car and ran to Sky, unable to remain calm. He pulled him into a hug, holding onto him as a worried mother would if her child had been hurt.

"Sky! Thank God you are okay!"

Phayu soon joined them, stopping next to Sky and Prapai. He let Rain hug Sky as much as he wanted while he watched them. Once they pulled away, Phayu came closer and placed his hands on Sky's shoulders, making the younger one look up at him.

"Everything is okay now, yeah?" he said, his voice being soft as he spoke. "We are all here and nothing can harm you, especially that scum."

"Yeah, Sky! He is gone for good! We made sure he would suffer a painful death and we made him pay for all he did to you!" exclaimed Rain, sounding way too excited considering what he was saying.

Sky smiled softly at his friend's words. Then, he decided to pull them both into a hug to thank them.

"Thank you for going out of your way to take us home and also for comforting me."

"Why thank us? That's what friends do!" exclaimed Rain once they separated. "And on top of that, you are more like family to us! We are like a family, so this is nothing extraordinary!"

Phayu agreed. He also had gotten closer to Sky and he treated him as an older brother would. He had become part of his family.

"Still I want to thank you. I always feel so cared for by you and you don't mind leaving aside things you are doing for my sake."

"Hey! No more thanks! I will sue you if you keep saying thank you!" said Rain as he pointed at Sky as if he was really threatening him. "Like I said, this is nothing when it comes to family and friends!"

"Okay, okay! Calm down, chihuahua, I won't say it again" said Sky, who had rolled his eyes at Rain's "threat".

"Who are you calling a chihuahua?! I'm no chihuahua!"

Phayu quickly went to Rain and tried to get him to relax a little by placing his hands on the younger one's shoulders. Sky couldn't help but giggle.

They proceeded to get in the car and Phayu quickly began driving towards Prapai and Sky's shared home. Prapai, Rain and Sky sat at the back together, Sky right next to Prapai. He ended up resting his head against his shoulder, his eyelids feeling heavy. In a matter of a few minutes, he gave into sleep. 

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