Shibai Otsutsuki

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Naruto and Shibai standing face to face while Boruto stood up beside Naruto . His legs shaking a bit and also recovering his chakra ....

Shibai : Now I will show you the true power of Otsutsuki -jougan-

Naruto : You have the jougan ?

Shibai : Well I am the creator of jougan and its first user but....

Naruto : But what ?

Shibai : Your son is the most powerful weilder of jougan 

Naruto : Is that so ? Then we will defeat you

Boruto : No Dad 

Naruto : Boruto but why ?


Toneri : Boruto Uzumaki the eye you possess is the weapon against the upcoming disaster

Hagoromo : Boruto the war against Otsutsuki clan is the worst battle you have ever fought . The one Otsutsuki Shibai is the most powerful and your jougan will be needed the most . Fight this battle alone if you want to save your family and also you may die here 


Naruto : Oi Boruto ....?

Boruto : Dad protect the village and our family . Don't worry about me 

Naruto : But....

Boruto : Just do as I say please

Naruto : Fine but promise me on behalf of our family that you will return

Boruto : -smirks- I can't Dad but I will try 

Shibai : You both done talking then I will start 

Boruto : Yeah . Dad leave

Naruto : Okay son 

Naruto leaves and goes to the place where Sasuke along with their families stood 

Sasuke : Oi Naruto what he say ?

Naruto : He said that he will fight this battle alone and ..

Sasuke : And what ?

Naruto : He said he can die here

Everyone : What....?

Naruto : Yes I tried to help him but he refused 

Sarada : But what about his family ?

Naruto : He gave me the responsibility to protect us 

Sarada : -tears in eyes- Boruto please return you can't leave us

Sakura : -put hand on Sarada's shoulder- He will try Sarada and moreover this battle is something nobody faced before 

Sasuke : Yes she is right Sarada 

Back to Battle....

Shibai : So you think you can defeat me alone ?

Boruto : Yeah I am confident

Shibai : Let's start then -jougan-

Boruto : Of course -jougan-

Fighting Sequence 

Shibai and Boruto used taijutsu as they clashed their punches and kicks creating big cracks.
Boruto punched Shibai as he gets hit and clashed through buildings . Boruto went and kicked him which he dodged and kicked Boruto which made him to fly away . Boruto activated blue karma and starts to fight once again . Shibai used ninjutsu as he waved signs and said Wind Style : Cutting breeze . Boruto dodged them as the building in their back crushed and were being cut . Boruto did the same and yelled Fire Style : Phoenix Fire Flames . The flames rushed towards as it hit Shibai which burnt his legs and his left hand .

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