The Relaxing Night

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Boruto and Saruto arrived home but when they arrived home they met disaster...

They both saw Sarada standing in front of the door with her sharingan activated and a scary look...

Sarada : -in a calm yet scary voice- Can I ask where were you both Father and Son

Boruto : -gulps- Sarada actually I and Saruto where in the training grounds

Saruto : Y-Yeah mom 

Sarada : -calming down- You both better fresh up and get ready as its already 5:00 pm

Boruto and Saruto : Yes Ma'am

Boruto and Saruto practically ran upstairs . While on their way Saruto asked...

Saruto : Phew! Mom can get scary sometimes

Boruto : Yeah and when she does she is very dangerous

Saruto : Dad but you got scared of Mom too -laughed- 

Boruto : Yeah your Mom had this habit since we were in the Academy

Saruto and Boruto freshened up and wore nice clothes and headed downstairs ..

Sarada was already done with food and snacks and put them on the table along with some drinks...

Boruto : Hmm You made nice preparations . I must saw your style of working is as perfect and beautiful as you

Sarada : Thank You now take care of the food while I am going to get ready

Sarada went upstairs and Saruto and Boruto watched TV when it was almost 6:10 pm...

After some time Boruto heard the sound of doorbell...

Saruto : I am going to get 

Saruto opened the door only to be met with his grandparents Sasuke and Sakura ...

Saruto : Welcome Grandma and Grandpa

Sakura : Thank you Saruto 

All of them walked to the living room and saw Boruto sitting on the couch..

Boruto : Welcome Aunt Sakura and Sensei

Sasuke : Thanks Boruto . Where is Sarada ?

Boruto : She went upstairs to dress please sit down 

Sasuke : So we are the first ?

Boruto : Yeah my Dad Mom still are not arrived

Sasuke : Expected from that dobe

Sakura : Don't say that in front of Saruto 

Sasuke : Yeah I forgot . Come here Saruto 

Saruto went towards Sasuke and he picked Saruto up and made him sit on his lap...

Sasuke : You became quite strong didn't you?

Saruto : What do you mean Grandpa ?

Sasuke : -grins- I mean having a access to four chakra natures at this age is Impressive. I remember Boruto having only three at your age

Saruto : -shock- You watched our training ?

Sasuke : Yeah I was watching you both train and saw that you are very close to master the rasengan

Boruto : Well I knew you where there because I sensed your chakra 

Sasuke : Well I kinda expected this from you

Saruto : If you knew why didn't you tell me Dad ?

Boruto : Because I wanted you train with your full strength

At that moment Sarada came downstairs and the doorbell rang once more...

Sasuke : Perfect timing

Boruto goes to open the door....

Boruto : Hey old man

Naruto : Hey son how is it going ?

Boruto : Nice

Hinata : I am happy for you Boruto 

Boruto : Thanks Mom . Come in everybody's waiting

All of them enter the living room..

Sasuke : Well late as always Dobe

Naruto : Shut up Teme

Sasuke : Whatever let's enjoy todays night

All of them enjoyed the night as they gossiped and ate . I am too lazy to write there celebration so I am skipping it and also this was the last chapter without any suspense horror or trouble from next one situations gonna get worsened and the fight for survival would start not much chapters later against the whole otsutsuki clan . Will Boruto be able to save everyone and defeat each and every otsutsuki and will he survive please tell me in the comments.

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