Birth Of Saruto Uzumaki

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Normal POV:

Its been 2 years since Boruto and Sarada got married and today was a special day as Boruto and Sarada's child was about to be born . Sarada was in the hospital and Boruto was working in the hokage office with a slight tension in his face . Suddenly a leaf ninja came into the office .

Leaf Ninja : Hokage-sama Your wife is in the delivery room . Miss Sakura requested you for your urgent arrival.

Boruto : What ? Okay I am heading right now 

Shikadai : Boruto you go on I will handle the rest of your work

Boruto : Thanks Shikadai

Boruto headed towards the hospital....

He arrives to see Sarada in the delivery room and Boruto's family along with Sasuke were waiting in the waiting room.....

Boruto heads towards the delivery room as Sakura approaches him....

Sakura : Oh Boruto we are ready for the procedure 

Boruto :-nods- Okay

Boruto stands in Sarada's side holding her hand tightly.....

Boruto : Don't worry Sara everything would be fine

Sarada : Thanks Boruto and I hope everything goes fine

The procedure starts with Sarada going under immense pain squeezes Boruto's hand with all her strength and after about 1 hour of this process everyone in the operation theatre heard a cry and that moment was a moment of extreme happiness for both Boruto and Sarada as they saw Sakura holding a child ......

Sakura : Congratulations to both of you its a boy .

Sarada : -tears in her eyes- B...B..Boruto is that our son ?

Boruto : -smiling and relieved- Yes Sarada that is our son

Both of Boruto's and Sarada's family were called in the theatre . As they enter they saw Boruto holding a child.....

Hinata : Congrats Boruto it's your son

Naruto : So you decided any name for my grandson

Boruto:-nodding- Yes I have decided a name

Sasuke and Sakura : So what is it?

Boruto : I and Sarada thought about many names if we had boy and names if we had girl .

Naruto : Seriously Boruto 

Boruto : Yes and the name of my son will be Uzumaki Saruto

Hinata : Wow thats a good name . It is a combination of your and Sarada's names

Naruto : So my grandson is Saruto Uzumaki . I  will make sure to train him to a formidable shinobi

Boruto : Thanks Dad

Sakura : Thank you everyone for being present her but both Sarada and Saruto needs rest so you may now head to your house .

Boruto : Yeah ! Dad Mom you head towards the house I have to go to the Hokage's office . I will join you at the time of dinner .

Boruto left.....

Naruto :-whispering to Hinata- Our son has become a perfect Hokage for the village 

Hinata : Yeah thats right and he is strong and responsible at the same time .

So Boruto's son is born and he will continue to grow up . This is a new book and this was the first chapter . Hope you guys enjoyed it . The next chapter will be a timeskip of 6 years when Saruto is 6 years old.....

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