professor Katsuki

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don't ask me what this is 💋💋

Katsuki pov*

When I walk into the staff room, I see a slip of paper on my desk again. ugh. I swear if it's another letter telling me to go to the principal's office. I will kill myself.

So I walk to my desk, first looking at the routine set for me, a class, right after break, alright, I can do with that. Now the paper. It's a small one, compared to the other ones I've gotten, this one seems small.

I quickly open it, skimming through the words, I didn't even understand.

"Professor Katsuki, I'd like to see you at my office at 8:30 am sharp, see you there.

-The Principal."

8:30? I check my watch, 8:25, I better get going, he'll get pissed if I don't get there early, ugh.

I litterally run to the office, because I got carried away with texting izuku. Just when I get to the door, I mentally curse the principal and knock,

"come in," I heard quite a familiar voice say, I swear I've heard that voice before, but where?

I open the walking inside, not to see the bastard of my principal but izuku.

"Izuku? What are you?-"
"I got into a small conversation with your principal, and got the job, no need to ask questions love."

Asshole. I hate but love this guy.

"I swear to God izuku."
"you can't blame me darling, like I said the last time, I'm a billionaire for a reason-"
"doesn't mean you can just buy everything, cmon izuku, it's just childish, I work here, you can't interfere here now can you?"

Izuku just sighed, I know I won.

"you're right suki, uh I dont know what I'll do now but uh, yeah."
"I need to go izuku, I'll deal with this later."

I can see him visibly gulp, I just smile before leaving.

The end

Short ik 😭

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