Episode 1

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Gethen's POV

"Hello, and welcome to News with the Neverseen. I am your host, Gethen Ondsinn."

"And I'm Alvar Vacker." Alvar interjected.

"We have a lot of breaking news and interesting stories for you today, so stay tuned. But first, please welcome today's guest, Ruy Ignis. Welcome, Ruy."

"It's a pleasure to be here," Ruy smiled at the camera.

"Ruy, what can you tell us about the weather forecast?"

"According to our outlook by Prentice, there will be trees raining from gray-green clouds." [A/N: Exile reference!] Ruy paused for a moment, then frowned. "Wait, that can't be right."
"Thank you, Ruy." Alvar said, saving Ruy from further embarrassment. "May you elaborate?"

Ruy leaned across the desk to whisper in my ear. "You know, I didn't really create this long a script."

I leaned back in my chair. "Ah. Consider this a message about the mental stability of the Black Swan."

"Speaking of the Black Swan," said Alvar, "we have even more news about their questionable activities. It appears that they have been spreading misinformation about our news channel. But not to worry! News with the Neverseen is THE MOST trustworthy news channel in this entire network."

I nodded in approval. "Thanks for coming, Ruy. Next up we have our game portion. Please welcome our next guests, Gisela Sencen and Brant Redacted!"

"It's a pleasure to be here." Both Gisela and Brant replied.

"Are you ready for the first game?"

"Yes!" Gisela said, pumping her fist.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, Gisela. And this week's game will be... TRIVIA!" Right on cue, Trix triggered auto-generated applause form the other room. "You will have 5 minutes to answer as many questions as you can. Ready... set... GO!" I motioned at Alvar to start reading the questions off the notecards I had given him.

"Who is more evil: The Black Swan or Neverseen?" Alvar read the first notecard.

"The Neverseen!" Gisela answered.

"That's right!" Alvar cheered. "We own it."

I quietly stepped out from behind my anchor desk as the questions continued. Weaving through the computer-lined office, I found Fintan, the president of our network, sitting at his desk.

"We've been getting more and more emails from our entertainment company." Fintan said. "Our credibility ratings are dropping. You need to do something, Gethen, and you need to do it fast."

I nodded. "I will do my best."

I stormed into the reporting wing.

Who were people to say that we weren't credible? We had provided top-notch news for years, and I had to make sure that our watchers knew it. 

[A/N: I post new episodes on Fandom every week, but I might forget to post it here sometimes. But I hope to updates on every Wednesday.]

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