Chapter 1: Blossoming Love or Foretold Disaster?

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My role on this set is to recreate various mass disasters, such as mall collapses, subway suicide, inner-city flooding, etc. - a take on how capitalism causes destruction on this planet by means of pollution, destruction of nature, and cutting corners. We're filming in Korea because Australia did not want to support this subject matter. Naturally, I put my all into this project, as it's all the things I want to help change in this world.

The recreation set is massive, and there are 5 makeup artists working together to makeup everyone. It's the biggest production I've been on yet, and the studio is absolutely massive, with the highest grade equipment I've laid eyes on. Makes sense as most of the background will be VFX. I've done work before with hospitals and airports to simulate disaster response procedures, allowing doctors and staff to practice what they would do in an emergency. Upon hearing this description, one may think everyone would be laughing and playing it up, not taking the acting and such seriously, but in the moment it's actually quite scary and chaotic; Actors crying and screaming, doctors and nurses rushing around. Police streaming through the area getting witness statements, etc. Pretty wild! It's really cool being a part of the cinematic version!

It's also the most I've been paid yet. I can officially say I'm a menace in my field muwhahaha!

Yesterday the director asked if I'd like to stay in Korea a little longer, as a friend of his running a TV Commercial is suddenly out one Makeup artist. 당연한다고했지! (of course I said yes!) 6 days have gone by with 2 left. The days are grueling but I have a lot of fun and learn a lot from the Korean MUA's, as they have different methods and products to me. I'm so excited for tomorrow because we have an early day and I finally get to see my beloved Sara. As if nothing changed, we followed our old ways and grabbed a beer, then took pictures at a photo booth.

Today I move to the southern part of Seoul for the commercial series, conveniently Wendy 옆 살면서 바로 만난다~ We catch up for the entire day and I don't get enough sleep for the shoot but it was worth it. I arrive early with my kit and set up while crew trickles in. There are some foreign models doing the commercial, and they've type casted quite well; The models already look like beautiful, haunting vampires even before makeup!

For the first portion of the shot list they're in relatively natural/soft glam makeup so I finish quickly, checking in occasionally to make touchups. My real work starts later, as its a creative Spooky wine concept with them as vampires drinking "blood"

The makeup artist slogan is 'Hurry Up And Wait', because at the beginning of set we are working tenaciously to pop out characters at the speed of light, but once they're on set, we only have occasional touch-ups to administer. That's why I'm sitting at my station journaling when I sense a commotion and look up. There's a strikingly handsome young man in a suit with his tie open growling orders to staff, and storming towards, of all people, me.

"You! Where have you been!? Let's go. Right now." Before I can say anything he crisply turns around and zooms away. I can barely keep up with his pace, and I'm quite confused.

"We've been looking all over for you. How disrespectful of you. Do you think that just because you're beautiful you can do as you please? Do you have any idea how much money goes into a shoot like this? Not to mention how much time you've wasted from everyone's day. You'll be lucky to be hired again", he chastises while we walk.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, I've done my work and no one has come to collect me or tell me otherwise", I respond, confusion and indignation growing. By this time we're at set and everyone is staring in silent confusion. He looks at me like I'm an idiot, " You're talent. They've been waiting 30 minutes now!" he exclaims angrily.

"Ah... you've been mistaken. I'm the MUA..." Awkward silence ensues. "Ah... well you're too pretty to be crew. We should have hired you instead since you're actually where you're supposed to be", he recovers smoothly. "Well, if you have nothing to do right now you can help me find talent and work on the other set in progress right now. Come," He walks brusquely away in another direction. I laugh graciously and nod to the crew to signal no harm has been done, then follow him.

"It seems you have a lot going on," I say gently as I catch up to his pace. "You could say that," he scoffs. "I'm missing my talent, my other shoot is 3 hours behind, my assistant is sick this week, I have a press conference in 2 hours and I haven't slept well in over a week," he fumes, then looks sheepishly at me, realizing he's overshared to a stranger. I take a deep breath, and before I lose my confidence, do something quite bold. I stop in front of him and look directly into his eyes. "Sir. The biggest part of being a leader is taking good care of yourself. Stop right here, for this moment, and take a deep breath in." He rolls his eyes and attempts to walk around me but I stop him short and look him dead in the eyes.

"you are no help to anyone if you're not centered. Now." and with that I take a deep breath in, signaling him to do the same. He rolls his eyes again but follows suit. I notice that he didn't get a full breath in, and that his shoulders are still tensed, so once again we take a deep breath, hold, and audibly exhale. I can see he's relaxed a bit but unconsciously rubs his neck while breathing out.

"And I bet you haven't had a massage in a while, eh?" I ask, one eyebrow raised. He sheepishly nods, "Haven't had the time... I think it's just my pillow.." he says, rubbing his neck again.

"Well, then this is my gift to you. Sit."

"We don't have time to-"

"The world will not end without you in the next 2 minutes. Sit man!" I say with mock severity, and he complies. He is tense and unsure of what I'm about to do, but the moment my hands glide down his neck and shoulders he relaxes and melts into my hands. I give him a short but effective massage, finishing with his face and hair and he leans back to rest his head on my chest, breathing a sigh of relief. Then he realizes where his head is and jerks up, flushing.

"Wow, I.. Did not realize how much I needed that.. Thank you, um...?"


"송준. 반갑습니다" (Jun Song. Pleasure to meet you) he says, shaking hands.

"and its my job to touch people, and my pleasure to bring you a little peace," I reply as I smile up at him. I used to be an assistant of a massage therapist, and it often comes in handy, as so many people who sit in my makeup chair are relaxed by a calming touch.

"Be careful, keep treating me like that and I might ask you to marry me!" he jokes, our hands still joined.

"Smile like that more often and I might accept!" I joke back, and our gazes lock. Okay, he's gorgeous. We're still holding hands, then he flushes and clears his throat, breaking contact. I totally didn't blush either..  Right, so onto the search. We continue on. Turns out the models hooked up in the stairwell and after the shoot they're fired. It was still a super fun set, and the makeup was badass. In between makeups I assist the makeup artists from the other shoot to help them flow. An eventful day to say the least!

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