Chapter Five: Recognize

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"Happy Birthday, my loves!" a cheery Laura greeted a sleepy Olivia and Jordan over a shared FaceTime call. She always wanted to be the first one to wish them happy birthday. "I can't believe you're 21 already - real adults now. It seems like just yesterday your dad and I brought you home and now look," she continued, fighting back tears.

"I know he would be so proud of you both," she gushed. Every year since Billy died, they all got together in person or on FaceTime to spend the first hours of their birthdays together. A new kind of family tradition.

"Thanks Mom," Jordan said first, after clearing his throat. He was always better at masking the pain and showing up however he thought he needed to in the moment.

Olivia gave a quiet smile as tears filled her pensive eyes. "Livie," Laura prodded gently, "what's wrong?"

"I'm just," she paused to get the right words together. "I'm just really grateful for you both. I know I'm so blessed to see 21 and I wouldn't have made it without the love and support of my family. Especially you two and dad and Spencer."

"I just miss him so much," she admitted.

"I know, Liv," Laura offered. "We all do. And we always will."

"But we still have each other and we have to celebrate moments like these - dad would definitely want us to," she asserted confidently.

"So..." Laura began. "What are you doing to celebrate?"

"We're having a party at the old house," Olivia revealed excitedly. "A throwback to some of our happiest times as kids, as we enter into adulthood."

"Ooooohh, that sounds like a lot of fun," Laura said encouragingly. "Well both of your gifts should be there so enjoy tonight and be safe and send lots of pics!"

"We will," Jordan promised, as they ended their call planning to chat more later.

Jordan had remained largely silent during the call, making sure his mom and sister were okay. Now, he took a deep breath.

"Hey," Layla said gently as she sat up beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he assured her, giving her a peck on the cheek as he got up to go shower.

"You know Liv is throwing this party tonight but I don't plan to be there long," Jordan called over his shoulder. "I'd really prefer a quiet evening at home."

"Well why are you going at all," Layla probed. "It's your birthday too. You should be doing what you want."

"I know," he said. "But I really need to support Liv," he explained, as Layla rolled her eyes behind his back.

"Jordan," she said hesitantly. "You need to start sticking up for yourself at some point. I get you want to be there for Liv, but you cant keep putting what everyone else wants before your own needs," she continued.

"I know. I know," he admitted. "How about this? We make an entrance, say our hellos, stay for some cake and then split."

"Sounds good to me," Layla agreed. "Besides, I have a special birthday surprise for your eyes only," she teased.

Jordan relayed his excitement as he let the warm water wash over his face. Lately, he felt like being in the water was the only place he felt completely at peace. It was certainly the only place he could cry and mask his tears.


What the hell an I doing here, Simone muttered to herself as she stepped off the plane and back into LA. The entire flight, she debated what to do when she arrived - after she went to see Baby Shay, of course.

JIMONE: Until The End Of Timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن