Chapter Four: Fuccin' Problems

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As Jordan and Olivia made their way to the car, she peeked over at him, as she quickened her pace to keep up with his angry strides.

"You look tired," she observed, pushing her curls out of her face and behind her ear.

"Yeah, I wonder why," Jordan snapped back.

He threw her bag in the backseat, hopped in the car and pulled off in a huff, without waiting for Olivia to fasten her seatbelt.

"Jordan, what the hell," a frustrated Olivia exclaimed. "If you have such an attitude, why did you even bother to pick me up. I was looking for Spencer anyway."

"He got caught up at practice. And besides, we need to talk," Jordan said, intent on setting his twin straight.

"Do you want to explain what you were doing in Atlanta?" he asked.

"Jordan, I dont have to explain myself to you, okay? I went to see Simone, as you know."

"Look, Olivia, if you want to be friends with Simone fine. I can't stop you. But I wish you would consider my feelings in this. I'm getting married and you're a big part of that. Layla already feels left out, even if she would never say it to you and it would be nice if her best friend was there for her," Jordan resigned.

"Layla and I haven't been best friends in a while," Olivia started. "But I get what you're saying and I can make more of an effort. For you," Olivia conceded.

"I hate to be stuck in the middle, Jordan but you know how I feel about this wedding," she admitted.

Jordan sighed, remembering his sister's reaction to his first wedding. "I know - too young, too fast, too stupid," he recalled. "But I'm not a kid anymore and I know what I want."

"If you say so," Olivia muttered, staring out the window. No matter how many times she saw it, LA always took breath away. She knew why Simone left but she couldn't imagine living anywhere else. "If you're done reading me the riot act, can we get some food?"

Jordan rolled his eyes as he turned the corner, heading towards one of their favorite spots on the way home.

"So, how was Atlanta," he asked, after they had been seated and placed their orders.

"Atlanta was fun, as always," Olivia answered, keeping it brief. No way was she going to offer up info on Simone after he told her to mind her business in so many words.

Jordan cleared his throat. "And the girls?"

Olivia paused before responding, Knowing there was only one girl he was asking after. "She's contemplating going pro after graduation, which keeps her busy."

Jordan smiled involuntarily, thinking how proud he was of her for following her dreams. "That's great," he said, calmly, remembering himself.

"Yeah, I figure she's moving back after graduation to be closer to Shay and home and everything," Olivia offered, biting into her veggie burger.

"These sweet potato fries are so good!" she exclaimed. "Want some?"

Jordan was quiet, still processing what she said. He has always guessed there was a possibility of Simone coming home, but it never seemed real. He wasn't sure how he would handle it, to be honest. Distance and living in different time zones made it easy to separate, but even he knew they couldn't avoid each other forever living in the same city.

'You should be good and married by then," Olivia said, reading his mind. "Are y'all inviting Sim the the wedding?" she asked sweetly.

Jordan shot daggers at his twin as he grabbed his food to go, suddenly losing his appetite. "Let's go Olivia," he ordered, ignoring her question. "I'm meeting Layla in a bit and I don't want to spoil my mood or my appetite."

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