Chapter 8

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Jodi hadn't been able to sleep properly for the past week. All that she could think about was Jude. He treated her so badly. Playing with her feelings, ghosting her, and then trying to get back with her? no thanks. To say that Jodi was still pissed would be an understatement. She wanted to tell him how bad of a person he was and then walk away from the situation, but at the same time, she wanted to forgive him. She shoved that feeling far down as she knew it would be completely against everything she stood for if she forgave him just like that. Never mind, Jude, Jodi still had Matt. Matt treated her right. He had actually planned a date night for the two of them. Jodi was getting ready to go to Matts apartment. Matt had said that they would have a candlelight dinner and then watch a movie, so Jodi opted for something comfortable but fancy. She chose a long white Skims dress with nude stilettoes as she could just slip them off.  Just as she finished off doing her hair and adding accessories, her phone buzzed. Jodi's heart began racing as she slowly inched towards her phone. He flipped t over and opened her eyes. It was only Matt. Jodi sighed. Secretly, she kind of hoped it was Jude. The message read,' Hey, outside when you're ready'. Jodi grabbed a coat and headed for Matt's car.

" Hey," she sighed as she hopped into the car. "Hi babe," Matt said, looking her up and down. "You look nice." " Thanks." Jodi smiled sweetly. "I'm starving," she said as his red car sped off into the night. 

They arrived at Matt's, and he had prepared pasta and Bolognese. "Wow, Matt, this is wonderful," Jodi beamed at the sight. His dining room table was set for two with a white table cloth, a candle, and a bouquet of roses in the middle. Jodi took off her coat as Matt pulled out a chair for her. She smiled and sat down. "i hope this is ok." Matt said nervously, laughing. Jodi put her phone on the table as she smiled. "This is perfect. Thank you." she spoke sincerely as she picked up her fork to start. "How was work? " Matt began, trying to make conversation. "it was ok, very busy, though. There was this one patient who - " Her phone buzzed. Jodi's eyes flashed to her phone. She looked at the device with its face down, wide-eyed. She snapped out of it and looked up. "Sorry, where was I? Oh yes. We had a woman come in with back problems, but - " Her phone buzzed again. She tried not to pay attention to it and looked at him. His eyes flickered between her and her phone, confused. "She had forgotten her money, so I had to - " Once again, her phone vibrated. "Do you want to answer that?" Matt asked, unimpressed. Jodi gasped, picking up her phone to see 3 new messages from Jude. "Fuck Jod's" "You can't ignore me forever" "I just want to talk." Oh shit. Jodi's eyes widened. "Who is it?" Matt asked curiously. "Oh, nothing important," Jodi said, reluctantly putting a smile on her face while putting her phone back down. "Anyway, I had to get James to put her down on the records -" It buzzed once again. Matt rolled his eyes. "It must be important if they have to message you 4 times at bloody 8pm on a Friday night." Jodi began - " sorry ill just- " Her phone buzzed twice more. Matt reached for her phone. " Here, let me answer. that will make them stop annoying you." he spoke, trying to be helpful. Jodi gasped and reached for her phone meeting Matts hand on top.  " No need. I'll just put my phone on silent." Jodi spoke unsure as she smiled reassuringly. Good save. "ok." Matt spoke dryly. Taking his hand away. Jodi picked up her phone. "I'm just gonna pop to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Jodi spoke. Matt leaned back in his chair, clearly unimpressed by her secrecy.  "Fine." he spoke unbothered. Jodi practically ran down the hallway and into the bathroom. She closed the door and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. She unlocked her phone to read Jude's messages.


hey. read 2 days ago

Don't ignore me. read 20 hours ago

Fuck Jod's
You can't ignore me forever
I just want to talk read 3 minutes ago

Come on Jodi.
answer me just now

Oh fuck. "Stop texting me." she replied angrily. "Or what?" Jude replied. "I'm not playing your game Jude. piss off" Jodi replied with finality. She switched off her phone and sighed. "what is going on?" she thought. Her phone buzzed once more. However this time, it wasn't Jude. It was an email. Jodi unlocked her phone and clicked the notification. The email read...


Dear Ms. Simons,

We are contacting you in relation to your interest in a physiotherapy job for the Real Madrid Fútbol Club U21 team. We have read over your resumé and are very impressed. You show good characteristics that are needed in a high steaks job like this. We are contacting you now to say that we would like to meet you in person to discuss this job further. As we know you are currently living abroad and that traveling to Spain for a interview may not be possible. We would be happy to organize other means meeting for example through video link, however an in-person interview is preferable. Please get back to us as we will organize flights and accommodation if you are willing to travel.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely, Carolann from Human Resources Department of Real Madrid Club de Fútbol


Holy shit. So first she is hiding Jude from Matt and now she is going to have to act as if she didn't just get the biggest opportunity of her life. Jodi took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. She strolled back into to dining room trying her best not to act suspicious. "sorry about- " Jodi stopped herself. She looked around, trying to find Matt. She walking to the sitting room. No sign. His bedroom. Still no Matt, and the finally the kitchen. Matt stood at the sink washing the dishes. "Matt, what are you doing? I didn't get to eat that yet." Jodi said, confused as to why he was just throwing out the meal she hadn't eaten yet. " No, Jodi, you're not wasting my time. If you have more important people to text, you should just go home." Matt said sternly. "No, Matty, I want to talk to you. I turned my phone on silent. Those people don't mean anything to me." That was a lie, but Jodi didn't want to upset her boyfriend. "No, Jodi. you've already ruined it. It always seems that you have something more important to be doing than spending time with me." Matt said. He had now stopped washing the dishes and was standing opposite her, looking at her disappointedly. " I have nobody more important to talk to than you... Can we just go back to dinner? Please?" Jodi begged. " No, I'm sorry, Jodi, but we have to talk this through. You always avoid our problems until they get big. Like now." Matt began, his eyebrows beginning to furrow as he got madder every word. " I want you to be completely honest with me. Are you cheating on me? " Jodi's eyes widened. "What! No, I am not cheating on you. How could you think, never mind, say something like that to me? Is that what you see me as? A cheater?" Jodi began yelling. Matthew took a step back, his features relaxing as he realized he was wrong. "Jodi-" Matthew began as he took a step towards her, trying to grab her hands. Jodi scoffed and shook her head. She turned around, grabbed her coat, and walked out, leaving a stunned Matt alone in the kitchen. 

Jodi shivered as she walked down the damp roads of London. Her eyes watered as she attempted to blink back her tears. Her feet ached from her stilettoes as she felt a lump forming in her throat. Of course, as if her night couldn't get any worse, the rain began pouring down on an already sad Jodi. Jodi's phone vibrated in her pocket. She checked if briefly to see multiple missed calls from Matt. She placed her phone back in her pocket, not wanting to listen to his excuses right now. Her phone kept vibrating, That's it. She switched it on to tell Matt to leave her alone, but it wasn't Matt, who was calling. It was Jude. Jodi looked up at the rain in the sky before sliding across her screen. She placed the phone at her ear. "Jod's. I knew you would pick up eventually." A smile creeped across Jodi's face. "Hi Jude," she responded, feeling the rain dripping down her back. Maybe tonight wasn't so bad after all.

Authors Note: Hey guys, I am so sorry about the lack of updates. Gonna try to get back on top of things in the new year. Kinda hate this chapter, but we move. I have been  very active on tiktok. There may be a couple of spoilers for the next few chapters up there😉. Anyways, Happy New years Eve, y'all hoping for many more to come. Hope 2024 is a good one. See you all soon. Please comment and vote for this chapter. Love uuuu.

Tiktok: Epiphanyxtra

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