this human!

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Has days came and went, tharn has been to the company for two weeks, he mainly kept to himself, the doctor warned him not to do that, however, no one seemed to really like him, the main thing people wanted to know is how he got those blue eyes and why was he there, after the freshness of New wore off, same went for talking to him.
This was something tharn did not mind, however it worked the doctor to no end, he told tharn time and time again he needed to make friends, needed to blend in more. Tharn honestly didn't know how and he was busy with work.
By the start of the third week, tharn was in line to getting something to eat, to then turn with his tray to eye over the tables to make a face.
He then looked to see where the other managers sat, instead of going to his car to take the food with him to throw away later he was going to actually eat that day, tharn then moved about to be shakended a bit.
Tharn stood back to make a face at that one human. Mr. Rytuo.
He stepped back to eye over tharn to scoff.
"Watch it you hard rock sculpture!"
Tharn kept his eyes to him to watch him go about to go and sit down to a table to where he sat alone to the end. Tharn shook his head to then go to the managers with a hard face, one looked up to eye.
"That's quite the face you have there."
"My lunch almost spilled all over the floor, thanks to a certain some on."
"Oh who?"
"Mr. Rytuo."
Tharn then looked up has he saw his other manger start to laugh.
"Oh I'm sorry, yeah if I was you I would stay clear of him. That boy has a stick up his ass. Such a very hard worker but a real jerk. Been with the company since he was 16."
"How can he at that age?"
"Strings were pulled, he is very good at what he does. Just his attitude gets him in trouble from time to time"
"Think this is one of those times. I'm going to talk to him about it "
"Eh..... Just leave it be. The boy works hard. All he is going to do to you is frustrate you. I say leave it alone."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Let him just get away with it?"
The manger rolled his eyes.
"He has been like this since...."
The other manger hit him with his shoulder to look at him with a face. Tharn looked over that, curious.
The manager shook his head.
"Just leave it be."
Tharn watched has they ate there food to then turn his head a bit to eye over type who had his head hung to be eating at his food.
I am not going to just leave it alone. He needs to be talked too. No one is above the rules.
Tharn then looked back with a face to take in a deep inhale to start to eat at his food, later he was in the bathroom to throw it all up to be before the sink to wash his hands to eye down. After he was done, he went to his office to write down everything he was going to say to this human. His attitude needed to stop.
Once tharn was done he looked over his pad and paper to re read everything to then call for this human.
"Yes, I would like to see Mr. Rytuo please."
"I'm sorry sir, he left. It is the end of the day."
Tharn turned his head to eye over the clock to nod.
"Time flu by today. I want to talk to him tomorrow morning."
"Yes sir, I will place that in."
"Thank you."
Tharn then placed pen and paper inside the desk to get up to leave for the day.
Outside, tharn stopped in front of the building to turn his head to raise an eye brow, that human was still there, he was with his body to the building, leg up, to be smoking, to be to his phone.
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
Taking in a deep breathe, tharn didn't want to wait until tomorrow, this human was getting under his skin. Tharn didn't like any one who didn't follow the rules.
Standing next to him, the human wasn't responding, tharn then had to fake clear his throat. The human signed to move his leg off the wall to then place his phone away to turn to place his hands in his pockets to look over him.
Tharn widened his eyes.
"You dare disrespect your superior?"
Mr. Rytuo shrugged.
"It's after hours so...."
Mr. Rytuo turned his head has his ride was there to then turn to start to leave he then stopped to wince in a bit of pain, he then turned his head to look down to see tharn had his hand to his, to then slowly look up at him.
Tharn took in a deep breathe to then let him go.
"You are very disrespectful."
Mr. Rytuo rolled his eyes to place his hand to his arm to rub.
"And you are always fucking hurting me! Lay a hand on me again I'm going straight to HR. Now piss off!"
Tharn parted his lips has his uncontrolled anger started to rise, however this human then got into his car to then he taken away, tharn watched to shake his head, that day he parked to the street, tharn then got into his car to follow this human, he was not at all done.
Going about, tharn followed this human to a club, he watched him get out to then go into it, all with smiles, tharn rolled his eyes to then park his car to get out to go in to eye about.
After awhile, tharn Tried to find him, however the club had too many humans, it started to over whelm tharn, feeling off, he then started to want to pierce one with his teeth to drink there blood, tharn was able to leave to then go to his place to take all his medications and syringes to not be at all happy with this particular human.

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