first day

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Getting up before the time, tharn made himself busy, he also made sure he took all his medications, brought what he needed to, given he had his own locker, to almost run out the door when he could be able to leave.
Leaving his apartment, tharn stood to the street to eye about to watch all the busy humans go about, he watched in fascination.
Every one was different, every one talked differently, did different things, it was something to behold for him.
Tharn then took in a very deep inhale to then go to his car that was in the garage to head for work.
Going to work, tharn parked his car in the garage to grab his bag to go in haste.
About to head to the door, he was knocked a bit to the side for him to turn his head to look down has a human ran into him.
"Ooow! Fuck!"
Tharn Raised an eye brow.
"You ran into me."
They looked up with a mad face to slowly get up.
"I'm running late you fucking prick! Jeez, felt like I ran into the wall. Shit think you broke my arm! Asshole!"
Tharn watched that human turn to then go through the door first, tharn shook his head. He did not like that human and the way they kept cussing. Tharn took in another inhale to roll his shoulders back to then go about.
Remember, some humans have mental problems, think he is one of them.
Tharn then went about to not see that human again to go straight up into an office, he walked in to eye about has there was the boss and two other managers, the boss went forth with his hand out, tharn shook it to remember this was a humans greeting.
"So, you are Mr. Darduko tharn?"
"Yes, sir I am."
"Very good. I saw you have brought all your medical supplies. Your doctor sent me another email this morning about a few things."
"Yes I did. I will make sure to take what I need to have no problems."
"Glad to hear it."
The boss turned to then move a hand out.
"Well, these are your other two managers, they over see all the employees, this manager Mr. Tuyoa is HR. You two will work together some times. Now Mr. Darduko, have you've been briefed on what all you need to do?"
The boss then turned to eye over tharn.
"I have been, Mr. Syua. I know the in and outs of this company."
"Great. Now I have called a meeting with all my workers, I will then send over who they all are."
Tharn nodded.
"Okay, well before that let me take you to your own personalized locker and we can go and meet them, then you with me and your other two managers will sit and go through everything."
Tharn looked over his human boss to nod when he needed to, to remember to blink and breathe to watch him leave, to be nice and let the other two managers go, tharn then over heard one say tharn looked to be uptight, tharn didn't quite know what that meant, tharn then followed them to go to his locker to place his things away to go to that room to eye over the vast employees.
The boss then left his spot near tharn to go before them.
"So has you all know, this is your third manager Mr. Darduko. He will be over seeing a lot of things that are going wrong in this company. He does have the right to come to me and I have the right to fire who I wish."
The boss turned to eye over tharn who then left his other managers to go to stand by the boss.
"I am happy to be here, and can not wait to get started."
A lot of the employees looked over tharn to then start to talk amongst themselves, having his superior hearing, tharn heard words like brown nosier, that word uptight again, stiff, other things like that, the boss looked him over to then eye over everyone.
"Well, that is all, I will be giving Mr. Darduko your files so he can know every one better. Now, get back to work."
The employees looked over tharn to then start to leave, tharn then narrowed his eyes has he saw that one rude human from before, tharn did not know he was an employee here.
Tharn watched has they all left for the boss to tell Tharn to go with him for them to all go to another room to talk amongst themselves.
After getting the run down, talking to the boss and the managers, tharn then went to his office to start on the employees profiles, he went through a few after he took his medication to then stop at that one rude human.
Has he read tharn felt his phone go off, he retrieved it to place it to his ear.
"Are you in a safe space to talk to me?"
"I am."
"How is your day going?"
"Fine. I've learned a few things. Been called a few things. I am apparently uptight "
"I can say that you are yes. Any other problems, remember you need to be has detailed about your day has you can be."
"Nothing really else to report. No one is suspicious of me. Blended in quite well.... There just was this one thing "
"What one thing?"
"Nothing to go over the top about, a human ran into me, said I was hard has a wall."
"Mm.... Can see that. There is nothing I can manufacture that will make your body squishy. Was there anything else that happened with this human?"
"No. Unfortunately he is an employee here. I'm reading over his profile now, his name is Mr. Rytuo type."
"Good, I will do a more extended search and...."
"Doctor, no. I have it handled. It was probably going to happen sooner or later. Now I need to go, can not be to your phone for private calls."
Tharn hung up the phone to place it down to keep eyeing over this man's profile.
So Mr. rytuo type, apparently your the youngest employee here, your 21, have a bad temper but your a hard worker. Not seeing anything mental. Mmm.....
Tharn darted his eyes to go through his whole profile to eventually move on, to think they wouldn't cross paths again, but they would.

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