Author's Note

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Hello! I'm sure you know the drill by now, so I won't bore you. But, if you could please read the rest of this note, that would be appreciated!

I have frequently attempted to emulate Austen's writing style, whilst also meshing it with more modern styles and language. Usually, to achieve this, I have incorporated excessively long sentences with many commas and semi-colons. It has been harder than I anticipated to preserve some of the language and style of the 1800s whilst primarily using the language we deploy on a daily basis that is necessary of a modern AU. Whether or not I succeeded... Well, I hope that you will be the judge of that.

The set, pre-written parts of this short holiday fic will be updated every day until the final part is released on Christmas Day. I will release an epilogue soon after, although it will be in no means essential to the story. It is doubtful that I will release it on Boxing Day - I would expect it around the New Year.

I am also open to one-shot suggestions, although I might post them separately to this fic unless it relates to it directly. Additionally, if anyone wants any other parts, shown, mentioned, or implied, either written/written from another character's POV, I would be willing to explore/write that. As they say, the world is your oyster - of you only dare to ask.

Anyway, I'm hoping that people will actually want to read this and that they'll enjoy it... So, without further ado - here you go.

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