Healing and Worries

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"This just means I'll be able to walk again, they didn't know if the muscle in my leg would ever heal enough so I could. So thank you so much Brian, I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you," he whispered and Brian patted his arm softly.

He headed to Tyler, the taller man looking gruffly hopeful. Brian just smiled brightly at him, leading him over to the bed to have him sit and unwrap the sling and bandages.

Brock winced at the blistered bruising along Tyler's collarbone, shoulder and bicep. He noticed Daithi's wide eyed glance, worry in his face as Brian very gently touched Tyler's skin.

Tyler gritted his teeth as his shoulders tensed but slowly relaxed as the blisters faded away. About 5 minutes later Tyler's arm was healed and Brian carefully bound it again in the sling, smiling faintly at the relief on Tyler's face.

"We can't thank you enough Brian, all of you, for everything you've done these last few weeks," Brock said and Brian shrugged, Evan smiling faintly at him.

"You guys have cared for the ocean, the creatures and us for years. We're happy to help however we can," Evan said softly and Brock shrugged.

"We love the ocean, it's life and now you guys," he said, flushing at his words. Evan smiled amused as Brian flushed, the other merpeople looking touched at his words.

"You know what's good on muscles?" Smiity said excitedly, everyone looking at him curiously. "Water. I've heard a lot about water therapy by spying on other humans."

Brock brightened, nodding quickly. "It is a good exercise, I'm down!" He said and the other humans nodded quickly. "Awesome, who's up for a late night swim?" Brian asked and everyone eagerly started gathering things.

20 minutes later they were headed out the door, climbing into Chrissy's and Marcel's rental cars. Brian sat close to Brock, looking around curiously and awed at all the buildings, cars and people walking around.

"There's so many," he whispered and Brock shrugged, looking outside as if seeing it with new eyes. "There is. Houston is a big city," he said and Brian nodded wide eyed.

"This is at least three times the size of the kingdom we live in," he said hushed and Brock raised an eyebrow. "Why are you whispering?" He asked and Brian flushed, shrugging.

"I just feel so small, do you feel like this often?" He asked as he looked up at the skyscrapers around him. "Brian, you live in the ocean where there's animals bigger than a lot of these buildings. How does this make you feel small?" Brock asked baffled and Brian shrugged.

"I don't know how to explain it. Maybe because the animals are living, they have life and personalities. Especially whales, they're such innocent creatures. Except for orcas, they're assholes. But the creatures have that sense to them that yeah, they're much bigger than you, but they're just existing.

"These things, these structures you humans have built to touch the sky and hold hundreds of people, they're solid. They're intimidating, and have that feeling of permanency. Like, we'll all die someday, but these buildings will last until there's no one to care for them. I've seen structures that have been around longer than my own father, and he's nearly 600 years old. It's mildly terrifying," he said and Brock tilted his head, looking out the window to the buildings he saw everyday his whole life.

He could see it. Houston itself was almost 200 years old, and he knew some of the oldest buildings in the city were still standing. Time passed and people faded, but the buildings stayed.

Brock nodded slowly in understanding, looking at the city with new eyes. Brian had flushed at his little speech, knowing Evan, Jon, Chrissy and Scotty were listening.

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