Mary froze in the doorway, her high fading as she registered the stern looks on Derek and Mark's faces. She gulped nervously, realizing she had been caught, her gaze drifting to the cane.

"Where have you been, Mary Amelia Shepherd?" Derek's voice was stern, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I-I went to the party," Mary admitted, avoiding eye contact.

Derek sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We were worried about you. I told you, you were not allowed to go to the party. And..." His expression turned even more severe as he registered Mary's disheveled appearance, "Is that... Did you drink? So help me God, Mary, if you even touched alcohol-"

Mary mustered the courage to defend herself. "I'm fine, Derek! I had a couple of drinks—it was just a party."

"Just a party? This is not even about the party - this is about the fact that you ignored both mine and Mark's instructions. Not only did you sneak out and lied to use, you also got drunk. You are eighteen - you are not legally allowed to drink. There are consequences for your actions."

Mary's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Exactly, Derek, I'm eighteen! I'm not a child. I can make my own decisions," Mary argued.

Derek's expression hardened. "Mary, I can't let you think that this behavior is acceptable. It's not just about parties; it's about your safety."

Desperation crept into Mary's voice as she pleaded, "Can't you just let it go this once? I promise I won't do it again."

Derek shook his head, the decision final. "No, Mary. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it. You will be getting the cane."

Mary's mind raced, searching for an alternative. "What if... What if I take the belt instead? I'll accept the punishment, but not the cane, please."

The Shepherd siblings had their share of disagreements, and the belt was often the go-to punishment for issues of disrespect. However, the cane was reserved for more severe instances, particularly those related to health and safety.

Derek's resolve held firm. "Absolutely not. This about your safety. The cane is the appropriate consequence for tonight's actions."

Mary's heart sank, realizing she couldn't escape the impending punishment. Derek ordered her to bend over the table, her hands trembling as she complied. The room fell silent, tension thick in the air, as Derek prepared to administer the disciplinary measure that both he and Mark had experienced before – the fiery sting of the cane.

Mary's palms were sweaty, her heart pounding loudly in her chest as she bent over the table. Derek, though stern, hesitated for a brief moment before picking up the cane. He knew the severity of this moment, and he wanted Mary to understand the gravity of her actions.

Derek cleared his throat, his voice low and serious. "Mary, you need to remember that we do this because we care about you. It's not about asserting authority; it's about teaching you responsibility and ensuring your safety."

Mary nodded, her face pressed against the cool surface of the table. Mark stood silently, a conflicted expression on his face.

The first swish of the cane through the air made Mary tense. She bit her lower lip, bracing for the impact. The sharp sting of the cane against her backside elicited a sharp intake of breath, but she managed to suppress any audible response.

Derek continued with a measured pace, each stroke delivered with precision. He kept his emotions in check - he had already calmed down, but he now needed to be firm and deliver the promised punishment.

Mark shifted uncomfortably, his eyes flickering between Derek and Mary. He couldn't help but feel sympathetic toward her, having been on the receiving end of discipline himself. Still, he knew Derek's intentions were rooted in concern for Mary's well-being.

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