Chapter 6

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The guests left a few minutes after the meal was over. Vegas didn't like the idea of his son acting as some sort of driver, since he now had to take Som and Ple back to their house, however he realized that he could now talk to Pete without fearing someone overhearing his thoughts.

Vegas approached his husband in the living room, he didn't pose directly the question he had in his mind, he preferred to study Pete's behavior first. He was surprised to see that Pete seemed to have enjoyed spending time with Som.

"Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakul, what do you want to ask me? I'm sure I can do it, unless it is something kinky, you've been a little too rough lately" Pete asked. He was sitting in an armchair by the window and he had a serene expression on his face, while Vegas seemed pretty concerned.

"What do you think of Som? I mean... do you think he's a good choice?"

"Yes, obviously. He's smart, kind and loyal. I'm sure he will treat our son the way he deserves. You don't like him, am I right? Otherwise you wouldn't be so nervous." Pete responded. Opposite to Vegas, who after a few years of marriage started minding his tone much more, fearing to hurt Pete, Pete learnt the importance of expressing his thoughts clearly.

"No, he isn't a good choice, and I'm surprised and disappointed that you don't see it too. Som is the one who always chooses what to do, and what does Venice do whenever his boyfriend asks him anything? Yes love, yes honey... I really don't get how he could get in such an unhealthy relationship"

"I'm pretty sure you aren't the most suitable person to talk about the importance of a healthy relationship" Pete added with a chuckle, Vegas didn't like that response and only got more preoccupied.

Payu stopped in front of Som's house. Ple left first, but Som hesitated a little more, he waited until he saw that his sister was inside, then he turned to his boyfriend. He was visibly nervous, and Payu tried his best to predict what was going to happen.

"Payu, there is something I must tell you... today, when we were at the cinema and you asked Rain to join us for dinner... I felt uncomfortable"

"Uncomfortable? I assure you I didn't mean to make you feel that way" Payu said worried.

"Well, I don't mean that you shouldn't talk to other people, I just hope you can do it with a little less... enthusiasm. I know that you're loyal to me, but I'm afraid that if someone see you acting like that, well... they could misunderstand" Som finished.


"Yes, there are already a lot of students in my faculty that talk about our relationship and assume that you are wasting your time with me, so I fear that your behavior could end up proving their point. Could you stop it, please?"

Payu didn't reply, Som interpreted that silence as a way to say yes, he kissed his forehead and said good night before going home. On his way back to the mansion, Payu couldn't stop thinking about that, why were so many people convinced that he deserved someone else? Did he really love Som, or did he just get used to have him around? 

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