At the Seams

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(This story contains fat fetishism, SSBHM, teasing, force-feeding, and overeating. If it isn't your thing, don't read<3)

"I need help," Orpheus whined as he sat down on the side of the tub. The trio had planned to go out for Orpheus' birthday that day, to his favorite buffet, but the pants Adonis had bought him weren't cutting it anymore. His thighs spilled out of them, and he had barely gotten them over his tremendous thighs, then got stuck on his gelatinous ass cheeks. "Help with what?" Cyrus and Adonis asked in sync. "Can't... I can't pull my pants up!" Orpheus wheezed. 

"That's okay," Adonis chuckled softly, "Come here. We'll help you, biggie." He said softly, coaxing Orpheus over. "Jesus," Cyrus commented, "I don't think they're gonna go up, lard ass." 
 "But these--" Orpheus huffed, "These are my birthday pants...?" He said dumbly. Adonis sighed and tugged at the pants, "Yeah. These are tight...Maybe we should've gotten him a bigger size or two," he mumbled. "Couldn't have known he was gonna blow up any more than he already has," Cyrus slapped Orpheus' ass, causing a wave of jiggles to go through it. "Sorry..." Orpheus apologized, belching. The two men laughed in unison. 

"Are you two mad?" Orpheus frowned as he took the pants off. "Why would we be? This is our handy work here," Cyrus commented, poking Orpheus in the belly. Orpheus chuckled nervously as he pulled his shorts back up, which were getting tighter by the day it seemed. "Will these do?" he asked worriedly. Cyrus bit his lip, "Those'll do." A subtle grin appeared on his face. "They look tight," Adonis worried. "Are they hurting your legs, baby?" he asked. "No," Orpheus shook his head, "Just a little snug..." he remarked. "We're ready," Cyrus grabbed his car keys. "Let's go." 


Cyrus remarked about sitting in a booth at the buffet, which worried Orpheus, not knowing if he'd fit or not. "You think biggie's gonna fit?" Adonis asked. "Hell, if I know, if he doesn't, we can always scoot the table back, I guess." Cyrus shrugged. "It'd be exciting if he didn't, cock's hard already." Cyrus grossly commented, receiving a chuckle from Adonis. "Not that long of a drive..." Cyrus remarked as he pulled into the parking lot, "And hey, not that many people here!"
 "Thank god, I couldn't imagine the types of people who eat here." Adonis said rudely, a little grin on his face. 

The trio walked into the buffet, getting some wide-eyed stares from the patrons there. "I guess they've never seen a quarter ton porker," Adonis rolled his eyes. "You two go find a seat; I'll order us some food." He said as he parted hands with Orpheus. 

"Come on, biggie," Cyrus tugged Orpheus along, despite his wheezed protests. "I know it was a long walk, you'll be fine", he mumbled as he took them to an empty booth. Orpheus sat down, his belly scooting the table back a few inches. "Is it too tight?" Cyrus asked. "No... it's fine," Orpheus huffed, catching his breath from the exertion. "Sorry I couldn't find a closer parking spot. Don't want you burning those calories, do we?" Cyrus sat beside Orpheus, beginning to fondle his belly. "Mmhmm, yeah. It's okay," Orpheus smiled slightly. "People are staring at me... but that's okay, I like attention," he chuckled awkwardly, shifting uncomfortably. 

Orpheus' mouth watered greedily when he saw Adonis carrying two trays worth of food to the table. "Hey, don't worry, I paid!" he said breathlessly as he sat the trays down and sat down as well. "Better have," Cyrus joked, smiling. "What's...what's mine?" Orpheus asked hungrily. "All of it." Adonis said evilly, watching Orpheus' hungry face turn to one of horror. "I can't eat...all of this!" he protested. "If you try, you can." Cyrus smirked, handing him a slice of pizza, "Get started, fatso." he demanded, watching Orpheus choke down the pizza like it was nothing. 

He was downing slice after slice, finishing a whole pizza before he even thought about slowing down. " gosh," he wiped his mouth as Cyrus fed him another slice. "I'm going to be sick..." he groaned as he rubbed his belly. "Don't you dare, I'll make you lick up what you throw up." Cyrus threatened. "Cyrus!" Adonis shook his head, "Don't listen to him, baby." 

Orpheus belched loudly, covering his mouth in embarrassment. He reached for another slice when he heard a loud rip from his shorts. Cyrus glanced down, running his hand over the exposed flesh. "Well, looks like someone's outgrown his shorts." He commented. "This is so embarrassing," Orpheus whined, "Can we go home?" 

"Open your mouth and then we will," Cyrus demanded. Orpheus dumbly obliged, feeling the top of his cup being tilted to his lips again. "No, Cyru--" he gulped down sprite, some of it trailing down his chins before he finally got the hang of it. His gut churned as it swelled to accommodate the bloat, spilling out of his shirt again as it rode up. "Now we can go home," Cyrus stood up. Adonis followed soon after, both of them having to hear the complaints of their boyfriend. 

"Look at that pig," customers said as Orpheus waddled out, his belly dangling from his shirt and his thighs having ripped the sides of his shorts. "And they're fags. Those people have no shame..." people mumbled. "How could someone get so fat?" 

It was finally over when Orpheus waddled out of the door, humiliated as his boyfriends just laughed. He fought back tears as he pulled at his shirt - not that it would go down any further, but he would've liked it to. "That's what you get for being such a glutton," Cyrus teased as he pinched Orpheus' face. 

"Hmph..." Orpheus sighed, eyes glancing between Cyrus and Adonis. "I think our birthday boy would like another stop, don't you, Adonis?" Cyrus asked, Adonis nodded in response. 


The drive-thrus came and went and Orpheus couldn't count on how many restaurants they'd been to, how many meals he was forced to eat - what kind of teasing he was subjected to while being force fed. 

After the last wave of food, he dozed off into a deep food coma. 

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