Hyun-Su x Reader || One

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Context: Reader and Hyun-Su went to high-school together and met each other again after the events of the first three episodes of season 2. Hyun-Su visits the reader, injured, and reader doesn't know that he's a monster/neohuman yet.


The hardest thing to get used to, after what others called the Monsterization Outbreak but you labelled, more simply, the Apocalypse, was the silence. You were the type of person to always have music playing, back when you were a high schooler studying hard to get into your college of choice. Now, music was wasted electricity and, worse, could be a death sentence if anyone - anything - heard it play, or if it dulled your senses and got you killed.

At the beginning, there had been lots of sounds. Screams. Cars colliding. Stores' alarms, blaring when the looters broke in. Sobs. In your house, for a while, there had been your father, humming quietly as he worked.

Then he'd gotten a nosebleed, left the house, and never returned.

Now it was just you, and you'd learned not to make a sound. So when there's a knock on your door, it echoes through the rooms and rattles you to your core. For a second, you clench your trusty baseball bat. You took hours and cut your fingers planting nails into it, but it's worth it, if only for the feeling of confidence it gives you. Truth is, you rarely had to use it. Your strategy relies on avoiding confrontation at all costs.

You release it when you realize that there are very few people who can come knocking at your door.

After all, monsters don't knock.

You rush to the door without letting go of the bat. Your habits are ingrained in you well enough that you still check the peephole - and when you do, your heart somersaults in your chest.

You keep the hinges well-oiled and the door doesn't make a sound when you open it.

"Come in," you whisper, not daring to break the silence with actual words.

Cha Hyun-Su stares at you, looks like he hesitates. He always does, looks like he wants to give you a chance to slam the door back in his face. He's covered in blood now - 'not mine', you know he'd say if you asked -, clutching his wrist, lips chapped, eyes hollow.

"Come on," you say again, and this time he does, walking by you without a word. Then he goes still once more, there in your entrance, while you close the door behind him. He always does that, until you give him explicit permission.

"Are you okay?" you ask when you turn around, hands reaching for his arms, his torso, trying to check on him, though you cannot see whether or not he is hurt.

"I'm fine," he replies with that deep voice of his, catching your wrists before you can feel for yourself. "It's not my blood."

It never is.

"But are you hurt?" you press, still.

He frowns, and confusion sparks in his eyes.

"I told you. I'm fine."

You shake your head.

Hyun-Su's lips part. He closes his eyes. His body sways towards yours, and you freeze. You feel his breath against your cheek, and his grip on your wrist becomes lighter- a caress, at most. You just stay there, not wanting to scare him away, but not wanting to leave him to himself either. You feel a pull towards him, the urge to wrap your arms around him, and you resist it, knowing that he'd flee.

Finally, he snaps out of it, lets go of you, takes a step back.

"I'm fine," he repeats for a third time.

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