⭐ Reverse Vs Angelina ⭐

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Eventhough she was a mere spirit, she had feelings that of like a human. She must have fought for the city when the demons invaded but she's forgotten now. From whatever Amato was concerned about her so far was that, she deserves to live.

Also, she said she didn't live most of her life. Not even fifty years in a human lifespan. And now Amato was into her. Like a sister. He trusted her completely. Even if there was a way to bring her back through these spells, he'd definitely do it.

As he snapped out, he was still watching the same destructive fight continuing. He was able to get up since the pain was gone but his back still hurts. He must have hit it so hard.

Amato: Mechabot! Take that sword!

Oh no! Amato was upto something now, Mechabot agrees and uses the magnet technique to pull the sword right into the arms. As soon as Amato got it, he started running towards the duo.

Coming back to them, Now reverse was becoming faster and Gets hold of Angelina's fists and starts to twist it slowly..

Angelina: Ahhh...

Reverse: Once I get you out of her body. I will make sure that I kill her with pleasure.

Amato: Not on my watch!

Angelina and Reverse: Huh!?

And then, Amato stabbed Reverse with the sword from his spine exactly and it cut through him completely.
And now reverse was completely paralyzed with his legs.

Angelina looks at him fall as his grip on her fist loosens and then she immediately looks at Amato who was also loosing control of his body like the balance on his legs. He was paralyzed too...

Before he fell on to the surface of the road, Angelina catches him.

Amato: W-What? Why can't I-

Angelina: You and Reverse are connected. Whatever happens to reverse that happens to you too.

Amato: What does that mean?-

Angelina: You have stabbed his spine, which makes him disabled...just like Mara...and now you too...

Amato: ...I don't care...Just end him already...

Angelina gets shocked at his angriness on Reverse and smiles at him. As one of the tears from her eyes fall on Amato's cheek.

Amato: Are you-

Angelina: You remind me of my brother...The same moment...

Amato: What..? Ngh!!

Angelina: Huh?

Angelina gets more attentive as she watches and notices that Amato is losing his consciousness slowly.

Angelina: Hey, Amato! Wake up!

And then he passed out cold. As Angelina hugs him and asks him to wake up..Reverse laughs on the other side with the sword still stuck in his body..

Reverse: Aww... Don't worry. He is just asleep.

Angelina: Damn it! Can't you just stay still!?

Reverse: Off course! I am still now. I'm paralyzed.

Angelina lays Amato slowly on the surface and looks at him sleep sound. And she realised that It was definitely a spell. And she went next to Reverse and slapped him twice.

Angelina: And can't you also stop playing with People's minds???!

Reverse: Nopity, Nopity, No ....

The Repetition Of Reverse Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang