Chapter 2

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I ran my hands over my dress for what felt like the hundredth time as Jack and I turned onto the road that I had played on throughout all of my childhood. It had been a while since I had been home, and this time I was returning for a big reason. Jack wore his own slightly nervous expression as he drove up the driveway and parked the car. This would be the first proper meeting he'd have with my dad, and we were both hoping it would go smoothly.

They had met before; they had looked each other in the eyes. But that wasn't exactly what anybody would call an official meeting. Back then, my dad didn't really want much to do with Jack. He'd only just accepted that I needed to make my own decisions and mistakes. He wasn't exactly ready to face one of those decisions. And Jack? Well, he really wasn't prepared for a meeting either.

Now, though, was the promised dinner. You know, the one I had promised after I had called my dad to say Jack and I had gotten married.

After Jack turned off the engine, I broke the silence that had fallen upon us. "Everything's going to be fine."

I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince Jack or myself. I'd been here before, and it hadn't gone well.

Jack hummed in response with a nod, looking like he was very deep in thought.

"You don't have to worry," I told him, grabbing his hand tightly as if that would pull him back to reality. "You know I'll choose you."

"Yes," he looked at me with serious eyes, "but I don't want you fighting with your dad again."

"We won't."

"It wasn't a fun situation to be in."

The car fell silent again. I hadn't ever considered how it could have affected Jack. Obviously it had. I had been too consumed with my own frustrations and feelings that month to think about him. The fight was so much bigger than him, but the concept of him had been the spark. To be the one causing the friction just by being yourself?

I could only apologise, "I'm sorry..."

"Let's not do this now," he shook it off and gave me a small smile.

I leaned over the armrest to kiss him on the cheek before pulling on my door handle. "Come on, it's going to be great."

We got out of the car and slowly made our way to the front door, hand in hand. The last time I had been here was before I had gone on tour with Jack. That was over two months ago now. It still felt strange not just entering with my own key and coming home. I still had a key, but it wasn't my home.

It was only right to use the doorbell.

Within moments, the door swung open and I was enveloped into a whirlwind of excitement. Ben had been waiting on the other side, ready for our arrival. He nearly knocked me off my feet with how he darted at me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Are you allowed to open the front door now?" I gasped as the air was practically squeezed out of me, still hugging him back.

"Just this once," he told me and reluctantly let go of me. He was smiling so brightly. And then his eyes shifted to the guy standing next to me. "Jack!"

"Hey, Ben," Jack responded and put up his hand for a high five.

Ben hit his hand with as much enthusiasm as he had put in my hug, which was a relief. He knew Jack from the few times I brought both of them to things I did with friends. Back then, he always liked Jack. But a lot had happened since then. Ben wasn't exactly happy after I had moved out, but he'd gotten used to it now.

He ran back into the house and shouted, "dad! They're here!"

We slowly followed and found my dad in the kitchen. He had just finished washing his hands and was wiping them on his apron when he came into the living room. That apron could only mean one thing. A good thing. My dad's homemade lasagna.

J.A.C.I.E.'s World (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz