The Biggest Roadblock

Start from the beginning

It was a weird conversation. Sara was really frustrated. She had made herself very clear last time only. The same conversation again and again triggered her. All her life, she had heard numorous fake news surrounding her family, her father. Hence, she wasn't actually taken aback or shocked with this news too. She knew there was NO way she could take it down. It was Indian Media, the 4th pillar of Indian Constitution, after all. What seriously was hurting her was the way Shub had behaved, once again.

On the other hand, Shub couldn't understand how and why was she this casual about it all. Yes he knew it was not the truth but then she didn't make any effort to take it down at all. He was hurt. This time, he was not even being vocal with anyone, as to how he was actually feeling, unlike last time.

Sara had her exams going on. She was occupied with it. Exactly why she was not in the mood of having this discussion with Shub. After the exams she had plans to visit India. She had thought to compensate everything then only, it obviously becomes easy to meet and clear things. It is difficult to sort things over a phone call.

Shub decided to take a break from all this and decided to concentrate only on his Cricket. He gave up his SIM to his team and requested them, "Manage it for me now, I don't wish to take any calls for few days. I want to be away from it all."

There were no calls or messages exchanged between Sara and Shub for almost a week now. After a week, Shub took his SIM back from his team, he was expecting multiple calls and texts from Sara. To his surprise, that was not the case. There was nothing from her side. Something broke inside him but then he thought may be he has made his fool out of all this. May be, Sara is not serious about him or even their relationship. It is then when he ended up posting a very cryptic post on Instagram.

This was the time, they used to follow each other on Instagram. Sara wasn't able to check his posts as she wasn't active on IG because of her exams.

4th of Nov was her last exam and she was to return back to India after that. She tried calling Shub, obviously it went unanswered. She tried calling him multiple times but there was no response. That is when Siddharth called her and said, "Did you read the baseless news around us ?"

Sara: "I saw it Man, couldn't call you earlier because of my exams. How ridiculous is that news, I swear."
Sid: "I knowwww! I am kinda dating someone, she was furious, man! How is your boyfriend coping up ?"
Sara: "Ahh! Don't even ask! It's baddd. He is upset too. I am yet to make it up to him."
Sid: "You should not delay then, guys are total overthinkers when it comes to these matters."
Sara: "I am unable to get to him."
Sid: "Hmmm! Accha btw, I called because I am opening a new restaurant in Goa, would love to have you here."
Sara: "That's great Sid, I am super proud. But you know how it is, I might not be able to come."
Sid: "So you are telling me because of these baseless news, you are going to break our childhood friendship ?"
Sara: "I obviously do not mean that Sid."
Sid: "Then come naaa, pleaseeee."
Sara: "I will let you know."

Sara was sure she will be able to speak to Shub soon and it will be him with whom she shall be spending time in India. She kept waiting for Shub's call but it never came. Sara thought of giving it a last try and giving a call to Shub from her Indian number."

It rang but again went unanswered. She tried again. Someone picked this time. It was someone from Shub's management crew.

Sara: "Hello ? Shub ?"
Shub's Team: "Hi Sara, how are you ?"
Sara: "Who is this ? Where is Shub?"
Shub':'s Team: "He is away from the phone currently. He wishes to concentrate on his game as of now and nothing else."
Sara: "Ohh! But it's me. Get him on call."
Shub's Team: "Sorry Sara, it's his instruction only."
Sara: "Ohhh!."

With heavy heart and endless questions she took the flight from London and landed in India only to see Sid waiting at the airport to pick her up, instead of Shub.

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