IX. Kinslayer

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TATIA HELPED JAEHAERA GET DRESSED for the funeral of her twin brother... She would be helping Helaena but she refused to have anyone's help. Tatia thought the best thing she could do was help the children.

"You look beautiful, little dragon," Tatia told the girl.

Jaehaera didn't answer before hugging Tatia tightly crying into her dress once again...

Tatia just held her as she cried.

That's when the Septa ran in with a sobbing Maelor.

Tatia gently put Jaehaera down before walking over, "what's going on?"

"I cannot get him to stop crying," the Septa frantically said, "I've tried everything."

Tatia offered for her to take him and the Septa agreed, she took the babe in her arms and rocks him as he clung to her crying still, "it's okay, it's okay..."

Suddenly Helaena slowly walks in as they all look at her, Maelor's sad eyes moved to his mother but Helaena's eyes immediately went to the ground and moved out of the room quickly, Tatia sighs...

Jaehaera went to Tatia, "does she hate me now?"

"No, little dragon, she doesn't hate you," Tatia told her holding her hand tightly, "she's your mother, she'll always love you, she's just... Devastated."

Jaehaera silently nods.


Tatia was in the carriage behind Helaena and Alicent with Jaehaera, they ended up keeping Maelor in the castle since he was inconsolable, she held onto Jaehaera the entire time who clung to her.


Tatia... Wasn't sure if her mother had a hand in Blood and Cheese, but if she did, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to forgive her. 

Taia watched as they burned Jaehaerys's body but Jaehaera couldn't watch, she hid her face in Tatia's skirts, and Tatia's eyes moved to Helaena who just stared up at the sky as the ash rose...

Tatia took note that Aemond was still gone... Off to the Trident, to the Riverlands, to wreak havoc.

He wasn't the only one.

Aegon had ordered all the ratcatchers of Kingslanding to be executed out of his rage and grief and that was done immediately.

Tatia didn't blame their rage, she would be the same if it was little Viserys or little Aegon, but she wasn't sure she'd burn thousands of people alive for it as Aemond is doing.

She just shook her head.

As they returned to the castle, Alicent approached her, "good morrow, Princess," she told her before looking at Jaehaera who refused to leave Tatia's side, "dear child, wouldn't you like to rest?"

"No... I have... Bad dreams," Jaehaera whispers.

"What if I lay with you?" Alicent asked her granddaughter.

Jaehaera looked up at Tatia as if asking for permission who just nods not certain where this attachment came from... She assumed it was a part of her grieving process.

As Jaehaera and Alicent left. Tatia sighs as she decided to go see Helaena.

TATIA ARRIVES AT HELAENA'S CHAMBERS as she knocks, a mere whisper is heard on the inside, "come in..."

Tatia does so and sees Helaena, still in her mourning wear, "Helaena?"

"Yes, Tatia?" A coldness was in her voice that she's never had with her before.

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