Chapter 19 - Missing Population

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Kennedy, Obi-Wan, and Anakin stared out of the windows of the cruiser at the planet or Kiros in front of them. "All clear, sir. There are no Separatist craft in the system," Cody said.

Obi-Wan and Anakin shared a glance before Obi-Wan turned around and walked down the bridge, Anakin and Kennedy fell in step behind him. "It's been ten rotations since Master Yoda's transmission. I just hope we're not too late," Anakin said, concern creeping over his face.

"Rex take us down," Obi-Wan ordered.

Rex turned around from the holo-table he was standing at and nodded, "Yes, sir."

The door to the transport opened to a sunny green planet with luscious trees around them. Obi-Wan drove the speeder out of the back of the transport, and Kennedy sat in the gunner seat next to him. Anakin was driving the other speeder with Ahsoka in the gunner seat. Rex was on a single speeder behind them. Clones on walkers ran by and Obi-Wan and Anakin followed after them.

As they make their way through the city outskirts, no civilians are anywhere to be found. "Anybody else think it's too quiet? I haven't seen any colonists," Ahsoka asked.

"They're probably hiding," Anakin brushed her off.

Obi-Wan sped up to be next to Anakin and Ahsoka. "Let's hope they stay hidden. It makes our job easier if we don't have to worry about them in battle."

Rex pulled up to the other side of Anakin, next to Ahsoka. "I don't like it. The clankers have never been shy about using civies as living shields."

"I'm sure they're here somewhere. Let's make for the city enter," Anakin said before cranking the throttle on his speeder and speeding ahead.

The buildings and trees zoom by as they fly through the city toward the city center. Kennedy almost didn't notice the biker droids that appeared on the street in front of them.

Kennedy pointed to them, her voice was urgent but also had a hint of excitement, "Biker droids dead ahead."

"Squad, tighten up. Form on me," Anakin ordered.

The droids start heading straight for them, giving Kennedy perfect shots on those in front. She squeezes the trigger and sprays the droids with blaster fire, managing to hit a couple and sending them flying backward. Once they got closer enough, Kennedy ignited her lightsaber and sliced a biker droid in half as it sped by.

Some sped by and ended up behind everyone so Kennedy flicked a button and swiveled the gunner chair to face it backward. She sprayed the droids with more fire and watched as they rammed into some of the clones, causing them to lose control and crash. She winced at each one. This was war. She and Ahsoka worked to clear them out. Only a couple of clones were left behind them.

"We're all clear, Master," Ahsoka informed with a smirk.

As they neared the city center, a battalion of battle droids were waiting for them with tanks lining the road. Kennedy and Ahsoka held the trigger back and wiped out the droids who could only just stand there and watch.

Kennedy pulled a bomb from her belt pouch and jumped off of the speeder as Obi-Wan drove by the tank. She landed on top and quickly threw the bomb into the open hatch at the top before gracefully jumping off and landing back on the speeder with Obi-Wan. The tank boomed and smoke erupted from the open hatch as it shuttered to the ground.

Obi-Wan and Anakin stopped just before the building at the end of the street. Obi-Wan turned to Rex as he pulled up beside them. "Captain, have your men secure the area."


Waxer and Boil walked up the road on their walkers and Kennedy walked over to meet them.

"How are we doing, boys?" Kennedy asked.

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