Setting Things Straight

Start from the beginning

We took a right turn, and I felt every muscle in my body tighten in fear. Winter and I had gone in front of my father due to the weapons we held. I could feel him tense up as well. Sitting in the middle of the decadent room, sat the chair that had caused us so much pain and agony. Tony spoke up from in front of us, successfully snapping me out of my trance. "I got heat signatures." My father asked from behind us. "How many?" "Uh, one."

We walk further into the brainwashing room, and the lights suddenly turn on, illuminating five cryo chambers. The frost turned orange due to the lighting. My father walks forward, seemingly to go look at the chambers when a voice coming from an PA system interrupts him. "If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep." We continued to walk forward towards the chambers. I stopped at one and looked at it with disdain in my eyes. 

The voice speaks again. "Did you really think I wanted more of you?" From beside me, I hear Winter quietly ask, "What the hell?" The voice continues. "I'm grateful for them, though. They brought you here."

I hear a flip switch, and a light turns on. It was from a window on the chamber located on the side. Zemo stood there. He must've known he would be safe. Tony pointed a missile at it coming from his wrist. My father threw his shield at the window, but just like I had expected, it did absolutely nothing to damage the chamber. He catches his shield and places it back onto his forearm. "Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets." My father narrows his eyes at him.

"I'm betting I could beat that." I could hear Tony say. "I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark, given time. But then you'd never know why you came." My father began to state something. "You had innocent people killed in Vienna just to bring us here?" He walks over to the chamber window. I followed shortly after. Tony and Winter stay behind. 

My father gives Zemo an intimidating look, but it doesn't faze him. "I've thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you, and I followed you. But now that you're standing here... I just realized... both you and your daughter have a bit of green in the blue of your eyes." He chuckles for a moment. "How nice to find a flaw." "You're Sokovian. Is this what this is about?" I turn my head towards my father, remembering the incident from watching it on television. "Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I'm here because I made a promise."

I turn my gaze towards him. I understood why. "You lost someone." I answered slowly. He clicked his tongue. "I lost everyone. And so will you." He turns, and I hear him click something. A television turns on behind me. I walk towards the television. "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles within? That's dead. Forever." I retreated back to Winter, who was pointing his gun at Zemo. 

I watch as Tony studies the television intently. Before I had walked over to Winter, I had caught the name of the tape that was playing. Декабрь 16 1991. (December 16 1991) A bad feeling washed over me, and I felt myself begin to get lightheaded. I felt Winter grab on me to catch me from falling over.

"I know that road." I hear Tony faintly say. I watch as his eyes shift to the tape, just as mine did. "What is this?" He watches the horrors from upon a screen, but the memory plays so vividly in my head. It's as if I was there all over again.

I watch my handler walk up to me. He must have something important to say if he's the one coming to me."Тирания. У нас есть для вас срочный миссия. Вас будет сопровождать Зимний Солдат." (We have an urgent mission for you. You will be accompanied by the Winter Soldier.) I nod my head slowly. But when I turn to leave, I hear him say one last thing. "А Тирания? Посмотри ему в глаза, когда прикончишь беднягу, ладно?" (And Tyranny? Look him in the eyes when you finish the poor fellow off, will you?) I nod my head once again, then I leave to be debriefed.

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐  𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖  𝚃𝚑𝚎  𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚝 ↠ 𝐂𝐀𝐂𝐖Where stories live. Discover now