Pleas For Mercy

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Through the never-ending labyrinth of hallways through the entirety of the building, I did eventually find the main lobby area.

People were full of panic and fear. A sight that brought me to a small smirk. All these people, afraid of someone like me? The power I hold here is immaculate. Exits are in front of me, so an escape is bound to happen at some point. So, I might as well do what I can while I still have the chance.

People continue to run and scream for their lives, but none of their pleas for help nullify my orders. After snapping the neck of a man in his late 40s, I grab the handgun that he had had on him. It was stupid of him not to use it. But it appears he already paid the price for that mistake.

With bodies scattered around me, I slowly inch towards a young woman seeking aid from underneath a lobby table. I watch as she cradles her ankle as she shakes her head in denial. At first, I almost pity her, but I came here with a job to do, and I intend to finish it.

I raise the handgun, steading it right above her temple. She watches me in anticipation, waiting for me to pull the trigger. It's fun playing with victims sometimes. They never know just exactly when I'll blow a hole right through their cranium.

However, before I can finish her off, I'm hit with a strong blast of something that resembles the barrier of sound. I'm blown back, the tiles on the floor leaving holes in my pants. I get up and steady myself for an oncoming attack. The handgun rested in my left hand. If I tried to fire a bullet right now, it would be difficult to get a decent hit.

I watch as yet another blast of sound is fired towards me, but this time, the man who had fired it inches closer towards me, ready to engage in combat. While he goes in, attempting to hit me with a punch, I duck. With his momentum, he's now slightly in front of me. I use the handgun and shoot the repulser that had been firing sound waves at me earlier.

He looks down at his hand and realizes that his weapon is practically useless now. He quickly turns around to face me and charges once again. I was a little less worried about him now, but I didn't fully put my guard down.

I go to fire my handgun at him, but he makes a small but smart decision. He kicks my shins, which loosens my grip on the gun. He manages to take it from my grasp. When I turn my attention back onto him, I'm met with the barrel hitting my forehead. Blood began to drip down the bridge of my nose and onto my lips.

I smiled tauntingly. Now I'm really pissed off. But I will admit, the hit was impressive. I wind my right arm back, ready to attack. Fear flashes across his features before he's sent back into a table. He slumps down in pain and exhaustion, meaning I've won this battle.

When I looked around at all the destruction I've created, I failed to notice a blonde woman charging at me. I shake the surprise off of my face and ready myself to defend. she continues to run at me, seemingly going int for a high hit, but at the last moment, she swoops to the ground in an attempt to knock me down.

I step to the side in the nick of time. She was fast to get back on her feet to face me. Her next move of attack was a quick jab to my abdomen. While her fist did manage to land a hit at my stomach, I grabbed her arm and threw her back to the ground.

I could hear her breath leave her lips when she collided with the ground, but also yet another pair of footsteps. Too light to be a male's. I whip my head around to identify who it was, but a swift kick interrupts me.

But when I looked around to figure out who had kicked me, someone hit me in the back from behind. I swerve around again, but I'm met with no one there. As frustrating as this was, I couldn't act irrational. I held my breath and closed my eyes, listening.

Though oddly enough, I couldn't pick up any more footsteps. I hadn't assumed the threat was gone, but I couldn't pinpoint where the culprit was at the moment. I thought I might have been good for a short moment to continue along, but just moments later, I felt someone's legs wrap around my neck, trying to choke me.

I begin to stagger back, trying not to lose my balance. The woman who was now on my shoulders began to pound on my head with her fists. It hurt, like when you get tiny migraines. A constant pounding.

I notice a table in front of me, and a quick idea comes to mind. I back up as much as I can without falling over and rush towards the table. Granted, it was a little iffy. It was a plan nonetheless.

I abrubtly stopped, and the woman flung forward, crashing into the table ahead. The table broke when she impacted it, the wooden shards falling next to her. 

As I approached her, I could feel someone elses presence, but I chose to ignore it. I latched my hand around her throat and lifted her up from off the ground. Her legs flailed as she tried to escape my grasp. I slowly applied more pressure to her windpipe, watching the color drain from her face and the life from her eyes as I cut off her supply of oxygen.

She managed to croak something out while she continued to try and pry my hand off of her throat. "This-this isn't the girl I remember." I quirked my eyebrow at her but looked into her statement no further.

Just as the last bit of color leaves her features, and she's about to pass out, someone interrupts my party.

A man... dressed in a cat suit?

A/N: Sorry for such a long break. This took a lot longer than it should have, but I'll try to stay consistent, but I have a feeling I won't be able to. Anyway, stay safe and enjoy.


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