Engraved Orders

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(I'll start this chapter off in 3rd person, but I'll tell you guys when it switches back to first person.)

Hydra's former Tyranny showed no mercy on the poor security guards just trying to do their jobs. But their lives weren't in her interest. Havoc was. That was the mission she was ordered to complete. So, from where she stood, she waited for her intended targets to come and investigate. From there, she would take them out. One by one. From there, she'd escape.

The man who had given her the mission currently was slumped on the ground, pretending to be injured. For what Tyranny could only assume was a distraction. Sure enough, three men came running to the room to investigate the destruction that had occurred only moments prior.

Shock coated their features, along with confusion, anger, and mistrust. The man who had given her the orders to exterminate them pleaded for help. Though anyone could see from a mile away that all it was was pure deception. A puny voice leaked from the mans mouth. "Help me."

However, Tyranny noticed that none of them were falling for it. Eventually, one of them, a man with a broad figure and blonde hair, picked him up by the collar and hoisted him off of the ground. Anger is present in the blonde's blue eyes.

He yells at the man with a demanding tone. "Who are you? What do you want?" The man who was being held by the collar of his shirt simply smirked before letting out a quiet but bold sentence. "To see an empire fall."

Confusion crosses every mans face, but now, now it was Tyranny's turn to play.

(Back to first person~)

As I emerged out of the shadows, not a single one of them noticed my presence until it was too late.

The man with the wings was the first of my victims. As I crept closer to them, I went to deliver a punch full force directed to his face. He (Unfoutuently) saw this coming and ducked right before my fist connected with his skull. Sending me forward a little.

He goes to retaliate with an attack of his own, but with other problems I have yet to face coming my way, I latch my hands onto his face and throw him with great force into the container that I had been in earlier. Lucky for me, it elminated one of my problems for now. As he was knocked unconsious when his head hit the glass door of the container.

The blonde from earlier finally takes notice of my presence. But he's not the only one who does so. A familiar face is also there. I was dumb not to see him sooner. I suppose I didn't reconize him due to the way he was facing. But it was Зима.

But why was he not helping me? Granted, these were my orders, but he could have finished the job right then and there. But yet, for some reason, he didn't.

The one and only thing that Hydra made sure I never forgot was that the Winter Soldier was not an enemy but an ally of mine. So I was never to hurt him unless absolutely neccasarry. Such as if he were to go rouge. But I never had to rely on measures like those.

I stared at him in confusion for a moment, but it was a terrible mistake. Even with the split second that I left myself defensless, the blonde had used it to his advantage. I didn't have time to try and get my form right to make an accurate hit on him. So as I went to attack, he dodged mine and delivered one of his own to my lower abdomen.

It caught me off guard, but I was quick to collect myself. As he went to attack me yet again, I jumped and flipped over him as his arm was extended out toawrds me. He staggered towards the door, and while he was regaining his balance, he turned to face towards where I had landed. What he didn't expect, however, was the brute kick I sent towards his stomach.

The doors break open, and I continue to drive the fight out towards an open hallway. I had a plan in mind, but I would need Зима's help. The blonde had managed to gain a few hits on me, but nothing that wouldn't heal up sooner or later.

An elevator had come into my view, and a wonderful idea formed. I would have to hit delicate points on the blonde to give myself enough time to deliver the attack that would hopefully ensure my victory.

I approached him at a quick pace and smacked my hand against the side of his face, near the ear area. He stopped for a moment, too preoccupied with the pain. I used the chance to use my momentum to richocett of the walls and deliver another kick towards his stomach.

This kick sent him stumbling back into the metal elevator doors. I strut towards him, and go to kick his shins since that would definetly give him pain, but he moves in the nick of time, and my foot connects with the metal elavtor doors, leaving just a slight dent.

I hiss in pain, but brush it off. From behind me, I hear a set of urgent footsteps. From the way they sounded, they were most definelty Зима's. But the footsteps continued at a rushed pace. He was coming closer towards me.

For a moment, I believed it was to help me with the blonde, but that thought was quickly replaced when I figured out that that was not the case. He had a look of determination in his eyes. It was at that moment that I realized that he wasn't coming to help me, but rather to stop me.

I turned my head back to the blonde in front of me and let out a breathless sigh of annoyance. By the sound of his footsteps, he was around 13 feet away from me. Which meant I had less than five seconds to figure out a plan to dodge.

A sudden thought appeared. I couldn't drive the blond in front of me into the elevator with just the strength that I held, but a super solider going full speed absolutely could.

Three. His footsteps became clearer the closer he approached

Two. Two people who were about to go falling down an elevator shaft.

One. One Winter Soldier running full speed towards me. And the amount of time I had left.

I let go of the blonde and rolled out of Зима's way. Just as I had planned, Зима's momentum not only took down the blonde, but it also made himself tumble down with him as well. The metal elavator doors left a decent sized hole from where the two had broken, though. The two doors were left open and bent.

From where I stood, I could hear the ear peircing sound of the elvator shaft using the emergency stop mechanism.

After a moment, I walked over to the doors to take a peek. When I looked down, I could see the two were lying on the top of the elevator. Groans of pain left both of their lips before one of them struck up a conversation that I heard. "Really?" The blonde man said sarcastically. Зима just replied with a mere "Sorry."

I blinked at the two of them for a moment before walking away. I had a mission to complete.

My next stop?

The main lobby.

A/N: Yet again, another chapter. I am very well aware that these updates are so slow, and I apologize, but it's hard to find motivation and the time. And holy shit it is hard to write fight scenes. The next chapter will be published sooner or later. (Probably. Idk) Anyway, stay safe and enjoy.

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