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two years later...


    You woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. You would roll over an annoyed look on your face as you grab the phone holding it to your ear. 

    "Hello," You spoke simply as you heard the voice on the other end. 

    "Wanna play a game?" The voice spoke for a moment you thought it could be real until you checked the caller ID finding a name.

    "Who is this?" You spoke as you heard the voice on the other end speak up again.

    "The question isn't who am I, it's where am I" The voice spoke once more as you chuckled.

    "Okay Charlie Matthews is it, did you know that I could report-" You spoke as the line went dead and you chuckled to yourself.

    "Awe they never let me finish" You spoke as you would put the phone back onto the phone holder as you looked over at your roommate.

    "Do you think you will have to change your number again?" Hallie spoke as you rose yourself from your bed beginning to get ready and changed.

    "I mean it's opening weekend, it should die down after a while" You spoke simply as you would tug on a pair of jeans and the crop top that Tatum had given you...

    "Wait you have to check this out" Hallie would speak up as you were about to exit the dorm room. You turned around walking back towards the girl when you saw the report.

    "What the fuck" You grumbled under your breath as you saw the headline. Two seniors in college were found dead at the Stab movie premiere. Your eyes danced across the screen as you felt a little uneasy now.

    "You don't think-" Hallie would begin to say as you shook your head no.

    "No, it's not" You spoke as you grabbed your book bag slinging it over your shoulder. You had to find Randy.

    "I'll see you a little later Hallie" You spoke with a smile as you waved to the girl as she would wave goodbye back to you. You would make your way to the building where Randy had his film class your heart pounding. You were outside for mere seconds but that was enough time to make you feel as if you were being watched. Maybe it was just all in your head but something about the deaths at the Stab movie sat a little too close to home.

    You just entered the film school looking around as you walked. You recognized these halls since you also had to take a film class but nothing like what Randy was taking. Your eyes skimmed over all the room numbers landing on the one Randy was in. You looked inside seeing Randy giving him a look as he caught your eye growing concerned. Their class dismissed and he was now speed-walking to you.

    "Did you see the news?" You spoke to the boy as you began to walk down the hallways together. 

    "Yeah, the killings at the Stab premier" He spoke as you nodded your head.

    "Maybe it's just a coincidence" Randy spoke as you nodded along with that statement as well. 

    "It could be, but at any rate, there is still a killer on the loose" You spoke lowly to Randy who nodded his head.

    "Speaking of killers on the loose did you see that Stu got out of prison last month" Randy spoke making you punch his arm hard. 

    "What can't take a joke?" Randy spoke as you rolled your eyes at the boy. You hadn't talked to Stu since before the verdict. He hadn't called and you were prohibited from visiting under the law of your father. You missed him a lot but you tried to move on since he seemed to be as well.

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