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     After the school day was over you, Tatum, and Sidney made a plan that you would all hang out at Tatum's that night since you hadn't seen each other in so long and Sidney's dad was out of town. You had planned to walk home and then walk to Sidney's after school hoping for some peace and to let your mind think.

    On your walk home, you ended up being bombarded by Stu Macher making your walk a lot more chaotic than need be. The boy pulled up next to you singing a song to you as you laughed at the boy rolling your eyes. His body reached over the seat towards you as he was driving with no eyes on the road and only one hand on the steering wheel.

    "Eyes on the road !" You yelled at him as he rolled his eyes giving you an even bigger smile as you would roll your eyes at the cockiness that lived in this boy's body. You were quite nervous to be walking home alone, especially after finding out that there was a murderer around so you finally took his offer hopping in his passenger seat.

     "Finally, thought I was going to have to drive like this to your house" Stu spoke making you roll your eyes at the boy.

    "Why would you follow me home" You spoke with a smile painted on your lips as you weren't even going to be home for long seeing as you were supposed to walk to Sidney's.

    "You know to make sure you got home safe" Stu spoke as you felt a little ashamed to be blushing about him caring if you got home safe. A couple of moments later you were pulling up to your house. You got out of the car saying bye to Stu as he smiled waving before he was gone. You sighed as you approached your front opening it. You thought for a second trying to remember if you locked it that morning but not if it was unlocked...


    It had been a couple of hours since you had been home, and you had found a nice spot to curl up and take a cat nap. Eventually, you woke up to the sound of your phone ringing around 6:00. You rose yourself from where you were laying on your couch walking towards where you heard the phone ringing out from. Once there you picked up the phone attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes and shake it from your voice.

    "Hello," You spoke as you picked the phone up holding it to your ear expecting it to be Tatum. No one answered your hello making you annoyed as you spoke once more.

    "Okay, I'm going to hang up" You spoke before an ominous voice came over the line. One like you had never heard before.

    "Hello Y/N" Spoke the voice as you raised your eyebrow.

    "Who is this?" You questioned a bit skeptical as you heard the voice chuckle.

     "I don't know who am I" The voice spoke

     "Stu, if this is you, fuck off" You spoke as you heard the voice at the end of the line speak up again.

    "Maybe the question isn't who I am... but where I am" The voice spoke making you look around feeling a bit paranoid as you spoke.

    "Whoever this is, my dad is a cop, and he will be home any second" You spat as you heard the voice laugh over the phone.

    "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, it's okay to be scared, especially standing alone in the dark with two house entrances on either side of you" The voice spoke as you looked to either side of you. A door at the front of the house and a door that leads out into your backyard...

     "Look creep, I'm calling the cops so you better get out of here" You spoke into the phone as you heard a chuckle over the line again.

    "You call the cops I kill your father" The voice spoke making your breathing hitch as you backed into the wall.

    "Now that'll be our little secret... I'll tell Sidney you say hi" The voice spoke and then the line went dead... You took a deep breath before realizing what he said.

    "Oh my god Sidney," You said as you grabbed your jacket and your keys off the wall as you ran out of your front door. You would have driven knowing it would only be a couple of minutes if you did but of course, your dad took the keys to prevent you from driving. Eventually, you said fuck it and started running to her house. You ran as fast as your legs could take you making it there in about fifteen minutes. You ran up her stairs knocking on the door rapidly hoping that she was okay. When she opened the door you experienced a sigh of relief as she allowed you to come in.

    "Oh my god Y/N, did you run here?" Sidney spoke as you were taking in deep breaths of air trying to form words as you were hunched over your hands on your knees as you were catching your breath.

    "Yes," You finally mustard out as you stood up straight wiping the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand the two of you walked over to the couch took a seat, and turned on the TV. Sidney never asked why you ran all the way here and seeing as nothing happened, it must have been some sort of prank call from Stu or Billy. You both watched the screen for an hour when a call came through.

    "Hello, oh hey Tatum" She spoke. You had a smile on your face as you listened hearing something about practice running late and that she was on her way now. You and Sidney turned off the TV beginning to get yourselves together when another call came through...

    "Tatum just forget the movie and get here" Was the first thing Sidney said as you kinda raised your eyebrow at the comment before seeing fear drape over Sidney's face before she smiled. The conversation sounded a lot like the one you had with the man before you left your house to go to Sidney's.

    "Oh yeah?" Sidney would speak as you followed the girl out to the porch where she kept asking the man what she was doing while spinning in circles. you chuckled a bit as you just assumed Billy or Stu was fucking with them that night. As the two girls were joking Sidney's face soon went straight. She took your hand ran inside and locked the door as she hung up the phone.

    "Who was it Sid" You spoke as the closet door next to you swung open and a person in an all-black costume with a white face mask on that looked like someone screaming jumped out at you two. Sidney and you were every which way when this happened. You tried to go out the locked front door but couldn't unlock it in time as now you were both sprinting to the stairs.

    "Go, Sid!" You yelled as your ankle was grabbed and you were dragged to the ground. You thought you were a goner when Sidney came back kicking the intruder off of you she then proceeded her trek up the stairs as you got up punching them in the face. You ran as fast as you could up the stairs being caught at the top. You were held in place as the ghost face head-butted you causing you to fold to the ground.

    "It's okay... I got you" The voice said to you before you heard the footsteps fade away. But it was a familiar voice, it wasn't the creepy voice from the phone, it was a real voice. Before you could put much more thought into it you were knocked out on the floor...

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