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     You lay on your bed over your sheets staring at the ceiling. You felt defeated in the moment. You feared that something could happen anywhere and you just wouldn't have any knowledge because you were locked in your home for the night. Any other night this would have been fine. But you had nothing to do except sit there and count the paint strokes on your walls. This has to be the equivalent of someone slowly going insane.

     You eventually worked up the courage to get up and start hanging posters around your room as well as putting your clothes from your suitcase in drawers and your closet. The productivity kept you busy for a little bit until you finished. Your room was exactly how you had it, your closet and drawers were filled and Stu's party had only been going on for ten minutes. No one is available to come sit and be bored with you. Just you and your thoughts.

    The sound of the phone ringing from downstairs broke you from your thoughts as you exited your room looking around to see if your father's bedroom light was on. When you saw it wasn't you resumed your trek down the stairs towards the phone that rang rapidly before your hand picked it up. You brought the phone to the side of your face carefully before you spoke.

    "Hello, Y/L/N Residence" You spoke into the phone as you looked at your nails. You heard breathing into the phone making you raise an eyebrow.

    "Hello?" You spoke on the phone. You knew who it was deep down. But you had to be sure that you weren't about to go off on your father or something.

    "Hello Y/N" The voice spoke as you bit your lip holding back any fear that was in your body.

    "What do you want?" You spoke as you looked around breathing heavily as you felt tears welling up in your eyes.

    "Awe are those tears, you know I've never seen you cry before Y/N" You heard the voice speak as they broke free from your eyes and now were running down your face.

    "Where are you?" You almost screamed into the phone out of fear as you were now turning around looking everywhere for this freak.

    "Oh! This could be a fun game, you guess where I am correctly, you get to live" The voice spoke into the phone as you started to hyperventilate You looked around before speaking up again.

    "Can I have a hint?" You asked simply as you walked into your living room.

    "I'm in the house" Was all the voice said before the line went dead. It was dead quiet in the house. The most you could hear was your breathing as you sprinted to the front door and into the outside. You turned around looking at the house as you ran down the stairs. As you were running you ran into someone falling over.

    You looked up to find eyes of Stu looking at you with a concerned expression. He had never seen you cry before you stood up taking his hand as you started running towards where you saw his car parked.

    "Stu we have to go" You demanded in a panicked voice as the tears streamed down your face as you stood at his passenger door.

    "Stu the killer is here!" You yelled as you watched him quickly making his way around the car getting in the driver's seat as he put his keys into the ignition. He soon was driving away at top speed as you were trying to settle yourself.

    "Y/N calm down babe I'm right here, I got you" He spoke as his hand rested on your leg. You heard the last three words that exited his mouth as you looked over at him. Those words were so familiar but where did you know them from?

    "Stu, what were you doing at my house?" You spoke as you looked at the male who was driving you in the direction of his house. He went silent for a minute before speaking up.

𝐈 𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ┃ (Stu Macher x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat