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    You and your father drove in silence across the country back to California... back to Woodsboro. There wasn't much to say. Your father and mother argued over and over again after the move, never seeming to find an agreement on anything since their agreement to leave Woodsboro for you. You shared short eye contact with your father here and there but in all honesty, you were more concerned with what awaited you back in Woodsboro. In about a week and a half it would mark a year since you left and in 6 days would be the anniversary of the day that Sidney's mother was murdered. Your head was spinning as you crossed the California border knowing that you were almost back to Woodsboro...

    When you finally approached the house you grew up in you wore a look of familiarity. You immediately hopped out of the car with your father walking to the front door. You couldn't believe it had never sold in the almost year you had been gone. You looked at your father as he unlocked the door revealing the old furniture and things you had left before leaving. Your parents wanted the move to be short and quick so they planned to sell the house with furniture included. Your eyes wandered the house finding the staircase as you climbed it finding yourself landing in your old room.

    Bunnies still dance the walls of your childhood bedroom as you look over your bedframe and mattress that lie exactly as you left it. Your eyes skimmed your vanity and curtains that hadn't been touched since you left. You smiled looking around as your eyes landed on a picture of you with your friends just last year sitting in front of the fountain. Everyone wearing a smile including you. You lifted the picture in your hands before you heard the floor creak behind you revealing your dad walking into your room with a suitcase that you had filled with sheets. You walked over nodding as he smiled resting a kiss on your head before walking out and closing the door behind him.

    You opened the bag beginning to pull out sheets laying them on the bed so they fit nicely. Before thirty minutes had even passed you had your bed made and was lying on it in the same clothes you traveled in. But it didn't bother you much since you were exhausted. Before you could knock out you found yourself staring at your window. The last time you were here it would have been the night before you left, ripping down old posters and looking at your picture frame pondering if the house needed company while you were gone... and with that, you were passed out in your bed...



    You heard a knocking on your bedroom door waking you up finding your dad standing there with yet another suitcase that you assumed to be your clothes.

    "Get dressed, we gotta be at the school early to get you re-enrolled" Your father spoke to you as you nodded watching him drop the suitcase just inside your room closing the door behind him as he made his exit. You walked over to the suitcase where you dug through it looking for a good outfit to wear. Finding a pair of jeans and an old T-shirt to wear. The jeans fit well while the shirt was a bit big but after further consideration, you decided that you had no time to get ready so it would have to do.

    You walked to the bathroom brushing your hair, and teeth, and making sure you looked all around presentable for your first day back after a whole year. Of course, you called but Billy and Stu never really answered. The distance that grew between you and Stu scared you but you had gotten used to not seeing or hearing from them and hoped that the reason you hadn't heard from them was simply because they were no longer a part of the friend group instead they just decided they hated you.

    Almost like clockwork, you heard your father yell up the stairs that it was time to go. You pulled on a random pair of shoes walking down the stairs to find your dad by the door with your bookbag in hand making you chuckle as he handed it to you. You slung the bag onto your back and before you knew it you were hiking down the yard to your father's car.

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