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Hola Soroses. This first chapter is dedicated to you all❤️ Don't forget to vote and leave comments.


The slight drizzle was finally coming to a stop. I watched as people walked by. Some in a hurry while some took their time. Shielded by an umbrella from the rain.

I let out a slow breath as the car finally pulled up in front of me. I stood up from where I was seated in the bus shelter and approached the vehicle and got in.

"I'm so sorry Miss."

I ignored the driver as I slipped on my headphones. I was already late. His apology wouldn't change anything. I still don't understand why such incompetent people are being hired when there could be better options for the job.

I looked out the window. The rained had finally stopped. My phone rang grabbing my attention.

"Where are you?!"

"I'm on my way Amelia. The driver came late." I snapped. She laughed quietly.

"Here's what you'll do. Turn slightly and just stare out the window till you feel calm. Don't go all ninja on the poor guy."

"I was already looking out. Oh. We're here."

I ended the call as the car slid to a stop. I grabbed my stuff and got out. The large office building stood in all it's glory. The Danvers Inc.

My parents had poured their sweat into this business to make it as successful as it is globally. The headlines always spoke about it's success. It was practically known around the world.

The receptionist greeted me with a smile as I approached her. "Good morning Miss Danvers. How can I help you today?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow.

Did she have to fake a smile so bright?

"I'm here for Mia. Where is she?" I asked instead. She told me where she was and I headed into the elevator.
I got to the top floor and reached my mother's office where Mia apparently was.

"I'm here." I announced as I walked in not bothering to knock. My mother Tara smiled at me as our eyes met. Her three children including me all inherited the majority of our looks from her. From her unnaturally unusual white hair color to the freckles on our face and fair skin. We could pass as twins if I didn't already have one.

We all got her hair color, facials and skin tone and our father's bright blue eyes.

"Of course I become invisible." Mia muttered and I smirked. "Hey Princess. I made it, did I not?" I asked and she scoffed playfully.

"Of course My Queen. You did. Thank you." She said as I hugged her. We all sat down to begin the meeting.

"Where's Dad and Sam?" I asked. The door was flung open and Sam my twin brother walked in followed by my father. Sam kissed the top of mine, Mia's and Mum's head before sitting beside me while Father kissed our cheeks.

"Hey kids. Glad you could make it." Zach, My father spoke.

"How long will this take? I've got an appointment." Sam chipped in and I glared at him.

"Just a few minutes son. Alright. You'll be changing colleges." He just dropped the bomb right there. It took us at least a minute to finally reply.

"Honey. Why?" Mum asked glancing at all of us.
"It's a better college. I want what's best for my kids." He simply explained. If this man has not been my father, I swear to God...

"Dad we can't just change colleges! It's a lot!" Mia said. I understood her. She majors in Ballet. She would have to go through a whole new screening that might affect her performance.

"Yes you can and I already did. You'll be starting on Monday." He said and my eyes grew wide.

"Father that's tomorrow. And you're telling us now?!" Sam snapped. My Dad barely shrugged.

"I've got a lot on my mind. You're lucky I remembered. Tomorrow the driver would've dropped you off in a new school and you'd be clueless."

"And you think your kids wouldn't raze down the building? Zach what are you on?" Mum asked. How she knew us so well.

While they all bantered back and forth I just stayed quiet and watched.

"Snow's quiet. I'm scared." My Father suddenly spoke and everyone turned to me. I stared back.

"C'mon Queen. Say something." Sam urged. I sighed. "I mean it's already done isn't it?" I asked and Mia sank back in her chair in defeat.

"You guys will be alright. I know my children. You can handle this." Dad said. Sam pulled me up and dragged me out of the office with him. I didn't resist.

He obviously needed to vent and I've been listening since we were babies.
The employees we passed stared at us in awe. We did look alike and it's not everytime we came to this headquarters.

We got to an empty conference room and he slammed the door shut. I smiled slightly. Someone's pissed. I wanna know why.

"I don't think I can cope with the change Snow." He sighed. "Reasons. I want reasons." I stated.

"A whole new class. New faces. Ugh. New everything." He grumbled.

"Mia and I will be there. We're always together Sam. I promise." I said calmly. "Wait. What about you? You're malfunctioning if you didn't notice." He pointed out.

I sighed and sat down. "I heard Dad discussing this. I wasn't exactly sure what it was about. I've been off since then. Dude. A whole new class like you said. I worked my ass off to get to where I am today in school. It's been tossed aside." I said.

"You're smart Snow. A new class won't affect your IQ." He said rolling his eyes. I laughed and stood back up. "Come on. We should go find Mia. I bet she's not taking it well." I said.

Like I predicted my baby sister was throwing a whole ass tantrum and my mother was the guest audience.

"Snow! You have to convince Dad! I'll lose a lot to switch classes. Ballet isn't as easy as it looks." She cried out.

"Alright calm down Princess. You've got this. Stop stressing." Sam said pulling her into his embrace. She finally calmed down and we gave her a short thesis of what's to come tomorrow.

"You kids are unbelievable." Mum chipped in. We all looked up at her. Blue against Grey eyes.

"What did we do this time Mother?" Sam asked going back to sketching a rough art. Just like Mia was passionate about Ballet, Sam loved Art while I majored in Dance. "You're going there to study. Alright? Not cause a commotion." I faked a gasp.

"How lowly of you to think such of us." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"We should get going Snow. I'm so fucking hungry. Do you mind if we stop at Starbucks on the way? I want boba." Sam said and I nodded.

"See you later Mama. We're leaving." I said and kissed her cheek. Sam and Mia repeated the same action as well.

"Alright Kids. I'll see you all at home. And please. Don't plan a revenge on your father. He's just doing what he feels is best." While she spoke she stared at me. I blinked back.

We all left the building together and headed home. Tomorrow will be weird as fuck. I can tell.

Thoughts? Merry Christmas! I hope you have lots of fun with your loved ones.
Don't forget to vote and share.
Chapter 2 will be out on the 28th.

Love y'all

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