"DawBell PR wants you in this afternoon"

I groan as she swings the laptop around to show me an email with many highlights. 

"There is a clause where you should declare any romantic relationship and they've written they have asked you numerous times" she shows us another highlighted part and looks to Lando standing next to me, leaning on the counter and listening intently. 

"Lando, they want you to sign a NDA"

My back is up immediately.  Seething with the PR team.  I shake my head. "He's not doing that" I say definitely, "no fucking way"


I slam my hand on the table, startling them both. "I said no"

I repeat again, my eyes pleading with Jen, "This isnt some fling and you know it" I feel Lando's hand on the small of my back and simmer down at his touch. 

"I know, Lottie" she consoles, "and you know i'll always have your back" she shrugs at me and gestures the laptop, "I'm just going through what they've said"

"You have your life monitored like this?" Lando asks as he reads the fine print.  He shales his head, "this isnt right"

"Tell me about it" I sigh as he moves his hand from my back to hold my hand, "just perks of the job" I ass sarcastically and give his hand a squeeze. 

"Why are they so pissed?" Lando asks with clenched teeth as he studies the email further.  His gaze is firmly on Jen. "Is she meant to go her entire life without having a relationship?"

His protectiveness just makes me fall even more in love with him. 

"Unfortunately for Lottie, the label and PR team like her single image" Jen answers honestly as she moves the laptop round and back to herself.  "It gains the most traction" she adds as she puts her glasses on.  She looks up towards me and Lando and says with a small sigh, "the worlds more desirable pop star is somewhat attainable to the public"

I cant help but grimace, hating the words out of her mouth, but also understanding this is what they've wanted from the beginning. Jen gives me a small, sympathetic smile. "Loved up Lottie Hill isnt something they accounted for" she shoots me a wink, "happy for you by the way, kid"

"Love you too" I say softly at Jen, grateful for her support.  I let go of Lando's hand to reach around his waist and pull him closer.  He throws an arm around my shoulder and rubs my side delicately. 

"Lando, we can offer you security and transport" Jen adds as she types away, "just give me your number and your managers details"

Lando brushes her off casually, "I dont need security, I'll be fine"

I sigh, feeling sort of embarrassed for the situation i've put him in.  I turn to look at him, "baby, its not that simple"

He furrows his brow, his hand suddenly tense against me, "what do you mean?"

"Press will go to your home" Jen states bluntly, eyes on Lando. "Fans will follow you. Everyone will be asking questions" I feel Lando take a deep breath next to me as he takes it all in. "It'll die down eventually but at the rate this news is going... you'll both be busy for a while"

"Right" Lando breathes as he clenches his jaw, and I can see his mind racing. 

I cant stop the anxiety that it'll push him away, eventually. 

Jen notices the shift in the air and clears her throat. "Regarding the news though, everyone is loving it.  Engagement is almost entirely positive. Lando is adored" That was never in doubt.  "Congratulations power couple"

Dumb Love- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now