🪨 Chapter Three: Omashu 🪨

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🔥🔥🔥 Avatar: The Last Airbender 🔥🔥🔥


🔥 Fire Nation; Capital City 🔥

"Everything is set," the leader of a small group of Earthbenders said as they plotted their plans to attack the Fire Lord.

"We strike tonight," the leader continued.

"Shouldn't we wait?" one member asked. "We don't have the numbers.

"We don't need numbers," the leader argued. "We have our anger. We have our grief. And for the first time in a century, we have hope.

"I want you to meet someone willing to risk everything for our cause. Like all of us, she has lost too much."

Just then, a girl pushed past the crowd and stood in front of them. A turquoise cap rested on her head, hiding her hair.

"My mother and my brother," the girl said. "In the Siege of Ba Sing Se."

"She works at the palace," the leader said. "She's willing to help us at great personal risk. If she can summon the courage, so must we all.

"Fire Lord Ozai must die tonight!"

As rain began to pour from the sky and into the city, the girl led the group of rebels into the castle after hearing a secret knock.

The leader led his group into the throne room. The giant fire that breathed behind the throne roared as it showed an empty chair.

More fires roared to life as Firebender guards entered the throne room, surrounding the Earthbenders.

"There is no way out," Fire Lord Ozai said as he stepped out of the shadows of the room and into the firelight.

"But you must have known this was a one-way journey," Ozai continued. "Or did you expect my men to just lay down their arms after you slaughtered their Fire Lord?"

"We expected that all decent Fire Nation citizens would've welcomed being free from your tyranny," the leader said bravely.

"Tyranny?" the Fire Lord asked. "Don't you mean... unity? Prosperity? Are we not the greatest nation in the world? Have I not led us to the brink of bringing the entire world under one rule, our rule, to ensure an era of peace?"

"At what cost?" the leader asked. "How many more lives? Will it take another century of loss and suffering?"

"Do not speak to me of loss," Ozai warned. He lost more than that boy could ever understand.

"My compliments on making it this far," Ozai said, congratulating his would-be assassins as the girl who let them in stepped forward.

"Then again," the Fire Lord continued, "we in the Fire Nation have always prided ourselves on our resourcefulness.

"Isn't that right, Azula?"

The girl smiled wickedly as she took off her servant headband and let her hair fall free as she turned to face the rebels.

"Yes, Father," Azula said as she joined the Fire Lord at his side.

"You may have stopped us tonight, Ozai," the young Earthbender leader vowed, "but there is one out there who cannot be stopped. The one who will restore balance to the world. The one who has returned to us."

Azula smiled as she watched her father brutally murder the rebels with a wave of his hand.

"The one who will restore balance to the world?" the Princess asked. "Can you believe they think the Avatar has returned?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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