Bad idea

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On the way to the shaman's home with Maria, a growing worry settles in me. For some time now, I have no longer recognized myself, giving in to beliefs that I never imagined I would adopt. Anxiety grips me, and I think I'm afraid.
"Fear," I whisper, a word that rings like a confirmation of my own insanity.
"Jenny," Maria calls me, "Jennyfer, eehoo!" » she persists.

Lost in my thoughts, I only hear him when his fingers brush my forehead, bringing me back to reality.
" Yes ! » I answer, surprised.

"What planet are you on, Miss Jennyfer Scott," she asks.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought. »

" Here we are ! »

In front of an unfinished building, dark and unwelcoming, cobwebs weave an unhealthy web. We move forward, and despite its incompleteness, the residence seems disproportionately large. A macabre corridor emerges, adorned with skeleton heads on either side, a decoration of unspeakable terror. If this were a Halloween decoration competition, the shaman would undoubtedly have won the prize, as the icy atmosphere of this place disturbs our senses.

Continuing down the corridor, we arrive in front of a large door. There, a snake slithers along the ground, causing Maria to panic, but I remain unmoved.
For some time now, the line between reality and imagination has been blurring and all this troubles me. We touch the door to open it and it opens of its own accord, triggering Maria's shrill scream and sending a shiver down my spine.
A small man, measuring barely 1m20, emerges, uttering incomprehensible words. He pays no attention to our presence and continues on his way, sporting a shaggy beard and an aged face. I got goosebumps when I saw it.
Suddenly, a voice invites us to enter.

"Come in, both of you!" » she echoes.

We hug each other, slowly entering a dusty room, triggering our coughs. Cobwebs and hanging white sheets create a ghostly atmosphere, lit by flickering torches. Hissing snakes mix with our growing fears. A doubt arises: was this really a good idea?

"Maria!" » I whispered.

" Yes ! » she replies.

"Don't you think that's a bad idea?" Shouldn't we turn back? » I suggested.

"There is no turning back for anyone who enters this place," retorts a voice, cold and indefinable.

We hug each other more, experiencing an icy wind brushing our skin. A man, sitting at the end of the room, displays strange necklaces around his neck and bracelets on his wrists. He commands us to move forward, a request which we obey.

Faced with this old man, his sharp gaze pierces me, creating indescribable terror.

"Jennyfer Stone Scott!" » he proclaims.

How does he know my full name? His words freeze my blood.

"I sense a negative vibration in you! » he continues, making obscure gestures in front of my face, a disturbing sensation.

"Why are you so angry?" Why do you think it's your fault? »

These words echo in the silence, Maria giving me a perplexed look. However, I am neither angry nor do I feel responsible for anything!

"But what are you talking about?" » I articulated, fear taking root.

"Ooh Jennyfer my daughter, tomorrow you will know what I am going to talk about! » he said mysteriously.

I get angry because I came here to find answers to things that bother me and not to add things that I don't have.

"Maria, let's get out of here!" » I said getting up and red with anger

" What ? » Maria is surprised. "But Jenny, wait, we came here..."

"Can't you see that this man is crazy? » I said as I left, angry. "He's telling us nonsense!" »

Maria apologizes to the shaman and follows me. Just before reaching the door, the shaman says something that petrifies me on the spot!

"April 12th!" » he said.

Maria questions herself, surprised that I am stuck there.

"Jenny, what's wrong?" " she says.

I turn to look at the shaman. Why did he say that? Why this date? What does he know?

I return to the shaman, terrified, without paying attention to Maria, who follows me behind! Arriving in front of the shaman, he gives me a mischievous smile. "I finally have your attention?" » he said.

I sit back and don't say a word. I give him a look that means I want to know everything!

"You must return to your village tomorrow," said the shaman.

" For what ? » I questioned.

"April 12th means something to you, doesn't it? »

Maria looks at me, she who doesn't understand anything. There are secrets I keep to myself and this date, this day. It was a day I wanted to forget. I didn't think that one day someone would tell me about it.

" Yes ! »

"What happened on April 12? » asks Maria, worried.

"You must tell the truth in order to find peace!" » said the shaman.

"What does that have to do with the voices and shadows I see?" " I said. "Besides, it happened over a year ago. »

"That's what the spirits said. »

"I'm leaving," I said, getting up.

Maria follows me and tries to question me on this subject. I refuse to answer him.

Once we leave the shaman's house, we get into the car. On the road, my head against the window glass, I look at the road without saying a word and Maria understands that I won't say anything to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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