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What she didn't know that certain boy was having a dream, in his dream he had two children with a beautiful long black haired woman. She was beautiful and he loved her in his dream...What about in real life?
Location: Izuku Jirou's Dorm room
Time: 7.30am
Day: Tuesday
Narrator's Pov:

Izuku was just sleeping, still dreaming about his beautiful dream. Suddenly his door flew open and someone ran to him screaming.

"WAKEEE UP YOU STUPID FUCK" his bestie yelled at him.

"AHHHH" he screamed while sitting tiredly up.

This made Bakugou laugh. "Did you seriously screamed like a girl?"

"I did not!" Izuku Jirou complained.

"Did!" Katsuki said, more calm now but still laughing his ass off.

"Stop laughing!"

"No!" he laughed.




"School starts in about 20 minutes!"

"You- WAIT WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me!" he screamed panicking.

"Just didn't!" Katsuki said and with that he left the panicking boy alone. Izuku was now very much in a hurry, he dressed in his uniform hurried to still his hair. He couldn't just go out with out styling it properly. He then put on his shoes and ran downstairs. He just grabbed an apple and made his way to his class.

He sat down and saw that almost everyone was there. He saw Katsuki making his way to him.

"What lesson do we have?" He asked him.

"English, the quiz first" Bakugou said grinning. For Izuku everything got worse.

He had English...

The quiz...

He took out his things and was just about to take a look at the vocabulary one last time, there came Pro hero and English teacher Present mic just in the classroom.

"Good morning" he said, while accidentally activating his quirk. Everyone was holding there ears especially Kyouka.

"Oh sorry everyone!" he said apologizing.

"CAN'T YOU SEE THAT SOME PEOPLE ARE VERY SENSITIVE TO NOISES?! ESPECIALLY KYOUKA HERE!" Bakugou yelled at him. Sometimes his anger issues were just a little much.

Mic apologized again to Kyouka Jirou for being so loud by using his quirk. Izuku wasn't really as sensitive as his sister to noise. Due to his quirk making things louder. After that Mic began the lesson properly.

"Lets start with the quiz first and afterwards we will talk about the homework."

Shit. Izuku thought, he looked at his sister pleading to say something or help him but she just rolled her eyes.

He would die...

They started the quiz. It was actually an easy one. Something everyone could do. It was about Christmas eve. So yeah pretty easy.

Izuku Jirou's Pov:

I looked at the vocabs and tried to answer them my best. It were just 10 questions/vocabs. I should be able to do this.

1. (insert Japanese for snowman) -

Oh I remember this one. It's snowman.

1. (insert Japanese for snowman) - snowman

Izuku as Jirou's twin brother [Izumomo]  Where stories live. Discover now